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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

9/11 Analysis

Michel Chossudovsky   
субота, 11. септембар 2010.

The fabrication of "terrorism" is required to provide legitimacy to the "war on terrorism". This function of an outside enemy is also an essential part of war propaganda required to galvanize Western public opinion. US foreign policy needs to fabricate an enemy, to justify its various military interventions in the Middle East and Central Asia.

NSPM in English

The Politics of Genocide

Rick Rozoff   
уторак, 07. септембар 2010.

At the end of the day military actions, including full-fledged wars, conducted by the U.S. and NATO in part or in whole to ostensibly "end genocide" will produce more deaths, more mass-scale displacement, and more extermination of endangered minorities as has happened over the past eleven years in Kosovo, Iraq and Afghanistan. More genocide.

NSPM in English

Dick Cheney's Oily Dream

Washington's Blog   
уторак, 07. септембар 2010.

Vice-President Dick Cheney's vision of completely redrawing the map of the Middle East. Starting right after 9/11 - at the latest - the goal has always been to create "regime change" and instability in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia and Lebanon; the goal was never really to destroy Al Qaeda.

NSPM in English

Kosovo is American

Hannes Hofbauer   
четвртак, 02. септембар 2010.

“Kosovo is Serbian”, is one of the key slogans in every political statement throughout Belgrade and Serbian Diaspora-meetings. Historically Serbian, ethnically Albanian, economically European periphery. Yes and no. However, geopolitically, Kosovo is American.

NSPM in English

A Permanent Economic Emergency

Slavoj Zizek   
среда, 01. септембар 2010.

The key to actual freedom resides rather in the ‘apolitical’ network of social relations, from the market to the family, where the change needed for effective improvement is not political reform, but a transformation in the social relations of production.

NSPM in English

US Military Threats Directed against China

Yang Yi   
петак, 20. август 2010.

When the long-established global strategic pattern changes to the US' disadvantage, Washington's adherence to the Cold War mentality and its excessive dependence on military means to resolve international disputes will lead the superpower to bigger strategic setbacks.

NSPM in English

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran

Michel Chossudovsky   
четвртак, 12. август 2010.

War preparations to attack Iran are in "an advanced state of readiness". This military adventure has been on the Pentagon's drawing board since the mid-1990s. First Iraq, then Iran according to a declassified 1995 US Central Command document.

NSPM in English

The Geopolitics of Turkey: Searching for More

четвртак, 12. август 2010.

Geopolitical Imperatives of Turkey - Establish a blocking position in Anatolia; Expand up the Danube to Vienna; Develop a political and economic system to integrate the conquered peoples; Seize and garrison Crimea; Establish naval facilities throughout the eastern Mediterranean.

NSPM in English

Krajina: Largest Act of Ethnic Cleansing since the Holocaust

Carl Savich   
петак, 06. август 2010.

On August 4, 1995, the Croatian Government, a proxy and satellite state of the U.S., launched the largest act of ethnic cleansing of the entire Yugoslav conflict of the 1990s. From 250,000 to 300,000 Krajina Serbs were driven from their ancestral homes in the largest act of ethnic cleansing since the Holocaust.

NSPM in English

IMF: Trapping Countries into Debt - The Case of Hungary

Zoltan Zigedy   
петак, 06. август 2010.

For Hungary, the future is ominous. Nearly 70% of consumer debt is held in foreign currencies borrowed from foreign banks. Since revenues, wages, and salaries are in forints, the foreign currency debts inflate with the forint’s decline. This is an additional reason for the IMF’s naked protection of the financial sector.

NSPM in English

Empire, Energy and Anglo-American Terror Network

Andrew Gavin Marshall   
петак, 10. септембар 2010.

Ultimately the strategy of the destabilization of Yugoslavia served various imperial objectives. The war in Yugoslavia was waged in order to enlarge NATO, Serbia was to be excluded permanently from European development to justify a US military presence in the region, and expansion was ultimately designed to contain Russia.

NSPM in English

The Imperial Anatomy of Al-Qaeda

Andrew Gavin Marshall   
уторак, 07. септембар 2010.

Part 1 examines the origins of the intelligence network known as the Safari Club, which financed and organized an international conglomerate of terrorists, the CIA’s role in the global drug trade, the emergence of the Taliban and the origins of al-Qaeda.

NSPM in English

U.S. mercenaries were behind Croatian offensive in Balkan War

Ron Grossman   
недеља, 05. септембар 2010.

"Upwards of 180,000 Serbs would flee the province under duress, the worst single incident of ethnic cleansing in the entire sequence of Yugoslav wars," R. Craig Nation, a historian at the U.S. Army War College, wrote about Operation Storm in his study "War in the Balkans, 1992-2002."

NSPM in English

Surveying Turkish Influence in the Western Balkans

четвртак, 02. септембар 2010.

The use of cultural and religious ties has strengthened Turkey’s hand in the Balkans. However, the AKP is conscious of the image it is presenting to the West, where skepticism of Turkey’s commitment to secularism is increasing after recent events in the Middle East have suggested that Ankara is aligning with the Islamic world at the West’s expense.

NSPM in English

Towards a World War III Scenario: The Military Road Map

Michel Chossudovsky   
петак, 20. август 2010.

Following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the administration identified Iran and Syria as the next stage of “the road map to war”. Code named by US military planners as TIRANNT, "Theater Iran Near Term". The scenarios identified several thousand targets inside Iran as part of a "Shock and Awe" Blitzkrieg.

NSPM in English

U.S. Military Buildup On Chinese, Iranian And Russian Borders

Rick Rozoff   
петак, 20. август 2010.

NATO troop deployments, utilization and upgrading of bases, armed combat operations and naval surveillance now occur on the borders and off the coasts of China, Iran and Russia. There are no longer buffer states between NATO and major non-NATO nations in Eurasia.

NSPM in English

Obama and The Middle East

Avni Dogru   
четвртак, 12. август 2010.

The termination of the Turkish-Israeli diplomatic relations will have important repercussions for both Israel and the U.S. interests in the Middle East. Consequently, it wouldn’t be surprising to see the termination tinting the image of the U.S. to a new low in the Middle East.

NSPM in English

Dissonance between macroeconomic policy and developmental interests of export-oriented sectors in Serbia

Ognjen Radonjić   
понедељак, 09. август 2010.

Serbian economic policy needs to undergo tectonic changes as soon as possible in order to preserve what has left of remaining national wealth and eventually to build up export-oriented production.

NSPM in English

The Death of Paper Money

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard   
петак, 06. август 2010.

There is a clear temptation for the West to extricate itself from the errors of the Greenspan asset bubble, the Brown credit bubble, and the EMU sovereign bubble by stealth default through inflation. But that is a danger for later years. First we have the deflation shock of lives.

NSPM in English

China Calls Our Bluff

Washington's Blog   
петак, 06. август 2010.

America's biggest creditor - China - has called our bluff. As the Financial Times notes, the head of China's biggest credit rating agency has said America is insolvent and that U.S. credit ratings are a joke.

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