NSPM in English
Morton Abramowitz
понедељак, 04. јун 2012. |
The West had treated Nikolic as something of a leper because of his close collaboration with Hague-Tribunal indicted war criminal Vojislav Seselj and his support of Serbian sovereignty over Kosovo—all despite the fact that he broke with Seselj, established his own political party and has strongly supported Serbia’s EU aspirations.
NSPM in English
Aleksa Djilas
среда, 07. март 2012. |
Because of his belief that his fight for democracy was assigned to him by a divine force (Misha was very religious), and that his dissident mission had global significance, some people perceived him as conceited and indeed as a megalomaniac.
NSPM in English
Vuk Jeremić
понедељак, 16. јануар 2012. |
To keep going forward as a nation, I believe it is fundamentally important to continue to pursue each one of the four in a complementary and holistic manner—and to not sacrifice any one of them on the altar of furthering another.
NSPM in English
Paul Craig Roberts
понедељак, 16. јануар 2012. |
The reason we should vote for Ron Paul is to signal to the powers that be that we understand what they are doing to us. If Paul were to receive a large vote, it could have two good effects. One could be to introduce some caution into the establishment that would slow the march into more war and tyranny.
NSPM in English
уторак, 06. децембар 2011. |
In any case, Mr Sarkozy has notched up another victory in his quest for a more exclusive hard core of euro-zone countries: he secured Mrs Merkel’s agreement to monthly meetings of the 17.
NSPM in English
George Friedman
уторак, 15. новембар 2011. |
Disappointment in one’s personal life combined with a feeling of cultural disenfranchisement by outsiders and the sense that the elite is neither honest, nor competent nor committed to the well-being of its own public tends to generate major political reactions anywhere in the world.
NSPM in English
The Economist
петак, 21. октобар 2011. |
And how would changing the treaties in, say, five years’ time, save the euro from collapsing in the next five months? Mario Monti, a former European commissioner, speaks for many when he says that treaty change could be a “distraction from, or even the destruction of” current efforts to salvage the euro.
NSPM in English
Nikolas K. Gvosdev
понедељак, 26. септембар 2011. |
Why the announcement of Vladimir Putin's nomination to succeed President Medvedev reveals fundamental weaknesses in Russia's political system—and bodes poorly for Obama.
NSPM in English
Herfried Münkler
понедељак, 11. јул 2011. |
 Despite the myriad problems currently facing the European Union, democratization is not the answer. Rather, the EU's elites need to improve -- and power has to be taken away from the periphery. |
NSPM in English
Henry Kissinger
петак, 08. јул 2011. |
The Chinese are often described as a "rising power." But they do not think of themselves as a rising power because, for 18 of the last 20 centuries, their GDP was the largest in the world.
NSPM in English
Diana Johnstone
понедељак, 04. јун 2012. |
The election of Nikolic probably shows that enthusiasm for joining the EU is waning, which would make sense considering the current crisis of the euro zone. But even a sinking ship may look like salvation to a drowning man.
NSPM in English
среда, 07. март 2012. |
Since the clever stuff can go wrong, ballot-stuffing is a safety valve. Politicians in shoddy democracies are learning what leaders in real ones have long known—you can fool only some of the people, and only some of the time.
NSPM in English
Danny Schechter
понедељак, 16. јануар 2012. |
The traders were essentially double-dipping – getting paid twice on the deal. How was this possible? Once the security was sold, they didn't have a legal claim to get cash back from the bad loans – that claim belonged to bond investors -- but they did so anyway and kept the money.
NSPM in English
Ted Galen Carpenter
уторак, 06. децембар 2011. |
The United States still has troops in Kosovo as part of the seemingly endless peacekeeping mission, and they would be at risk if the Kosovo powder keg explodes.
NSPM in English
Hannes Hofbauer
уторак, 15. новембар 2011. |
Western firms had only restricted access to the markets. This was one of the reasons why Milosevic, Saddam Hussein and Gaddafi were considered as “odious” by Western media and politicians.
NSPM in English
Aleksa Djilas
уторак, 15. новембар 2011. |
I had no instrument to force time to move. But it helped that I enjoyed talking to fellow soldiers. We touched upon our army life, of course, but it was mostly about what we did before or what we intended to do after. Longing and desire gave wings to our imagination.
NSPM in English
петак, 21. октобар 2011. |
For this GEAB issue, our team has chosen to present an excerpt from the chapter on the decimation of Western banks in the first half of 2012. In fact, it will be a triple decimation culminating in the disappearance of 10% to 20% of Western banks over the next year.
NSPM in English
Morton Abramowitz, James Hooper
уторак, 20. септембар 2011. |
The message Merkel delivered in Serbia also has implications for Bosnia with its continuing sharp ethnic divisions. Bosnian Serb separatists in Serb-dominated Republika Srspka have flouted the Dayton peace agreement, tied the central government in knots and laid the foundation for eventual secession.
NSPM in English
Srdja Trifkovic
понедељак, 11. јул 2011. |
The Austrians of yore used to be capable of doing better than that. Even the perpetrators of the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo, almost a century ago, were given a reasonably fair trial by the Habsburg authorities.
NSPM in English
Diana Johnstone
уторак, 17. мај 2011. |
The French Socialist Party has been largely speechless at seeing its supposedly unbeatable candidate shoot himself in the foot before the race even starts. Conspiracy theories proliferate. Was this all a plot by Sarkozy?