NSPM in English
George Friedman
понедељак, 31. јануар 2011. |
When Egypt was a pro-Soviet Nasserite state, the world was a very different place than it had been before Nasser. When Sadat changed his foreign policy the world changed with it. If the Sadat foreign policy changes, the world changes again
NSPM in English
Andrew Gavin Marshall
петак, 28. јануар 2011. |
This new century will indeed be an interesting one. The prospects of a new global war are increasing with every accelerated military adventure. The primary antagonist in this theatre of the absurd is the United States. If the world is headed for World War III, it is because America has made such a situation inevitable
NSPM in English
Paul Lewis
уторак, 25. јануар 2011. |
Kosovo's prime minister, Hashim Thaçi, has been identified as one of the "biggest fish" in organised crime in his country, according to western military intelligence reports leaked to the Guardian. They also identify another senior ruling politician in Kosovo as having links to the Albanian mafia.
NSPM in English
Henry A. Kissinger
среда, 19. јануар 2011. |
The upcoming summit between the American and Chinese presidents is to take place while progress is being made in resolving many of the issues before them, and a positive communique is probable. Yet both leaders also face an opinion among elites in their countries emphasizing conflict rather than cooperation.
NSPM in English
Edward S. Herman
среда, 12. јануар 2011. |
It is not the first work to effectively assail the Tribunal - but Civikov’s book is unique in its intensive and very effective focus on a single witness, Drazen Erdemovic, and the ICTY’s prosecutors and judges handling of that witness.
NSPM in English
Vuk Jeremić
четвртак, 06. јануар 2011. |
We will demand a prompt, thorough and impartial criminal investigation regarding the serious allegations that are contained in the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly report, prepared by Senator Dick Marty of Switzerland.
NSPM in English
John J. Mearsheimer
среда, 29. децембар 2010. |
Like his two most recent predecessors, President Obama is embarking on a foreign policy bent on global domination, which only intensifies America's terrorism problem and fails to prepare for a rising China.
NSPM in English
Barry Eichengreen
субота, 25. децембар 2010. |
Finance ministers around the world are up in arms over the Fed's latest efforts to jump-start the anemic U.S. economy. The future of globalization hangs in the balance.
NSPM in English
Tom Burghardt
среда, 22. децембар 2010. |
In another grim milestone for the USA and NATO, the Council of Europe released an explosive report last week "Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking in human organs in Kosovo". Washington continue to cover-up not only their own crimes but those of the global mafias who do their bidding.
NSPM in English
Diana Johnstone
среда, 15. децембар 2010. |

The real purpose of all this, as Holbrooke made quite clear in To End a War, was to demonstrate that Europeans could not manage their own vital affairs and that the United States remained the "indispensable nation".
NSPM in English
недеља, 30. јануар 2011. |
The 2011. will be a ruthless year because it will mark the entry into the terminal phase of the world before the crisis. It will be marked by a series of violent shocks that will carry off, one by one, the “pillars” on which the “Dollar Wall” has rested for decades.
NSPM in English
Jack A. Smith
петак, 28. јануар 2011. |
The world's four main emerging economic powers, known by the acronym BRIC - standing for Brazil, Russia, India and China - now refer to themselves as BRICS. The capital "S" in BRICS stands for South Africa, which formally joined the four on Dec.
NSPM in English
Zbigniew Brzezinski
среда, 19. јануар 2011. |
The visit by President Hu Jintao of China to Washington this month will be the most important top-level United States-Chinese encounter since Deng Xiaoping’s historic trip more than 30 years ago. It should therefore yield more than the usual boilerplate professions of mutual esteem.
NSPM in English
Diana Johnstone
среда, 12. јануар 2011. |

U.S. media have given more attention to hearsay allegations of Assange’s sexual encounters with two talkative Swedish women than to an official report accusing Kosovo prime minister Thaci of running a criminal enterprise which has murdered prisoners in order to sell their vital organs on the world market.
NSPM in English
Dimitri K. Simes, Paul J. Saunders
уторак, 11. јануар 2011. |
Senate ratification of the New START Treaty is an important step forward in U.S.-Russian relations and will also be useful in pursuing America’s broader nonproliferation goals. There is a danger that the treaty’s ratification will become a Pyrrhic victory.
NSPM in English
Ted Galen Carpenter
четвртак, 30. децембар 2010. |
The evidence mounts that Washington’s policy since the mid-1990s regarding Kosovo has been stubbornly obtuse. Governments are notoriously reluctant to acknowledge being responsible for a major policy blunder. But the USA need to make such an admission regarding Kosovo.
NSPM in English
субота, 25. децембар 2010. |
The second half of 2011 will mark the point in time when all the world’s financial operators will finally understand that the West will not repay in full a significant portion of the loans advanced over the last two decades.
NSPM in English
Paul Kellogg
субота, 25. децембар 2010. |
There is a history to the current predicament of the United States, a predicament of its own making. When put in this bigger context, the message that must be sent to Krugman and others making similar arguments is quite clear: blame the wars, not China.
NSPM in English
Neil Clark
четвртак, 16. децембар 2010. |
Far from being Tony Blair's "good war", Nato's assault on Yugoslavia was in its own way as immoral as the assault on Iraq. And if it plays its part in making people more sceptical about any future western "liberal interventions", it is to be warmly welcomed.
NSPM in English
Michel Chossudovsky
субота, 11. децембар 2010. |
Wikleaks is upheld as a breakthrough in the battle against media disinformation and the lies of the US government. In turn, we must ensure that the campaign against Wikileaks in the U.S., using the 1917 Espionage Act, will not be utilized as a means to wage a campaign to control the internet.