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Тема: Светска економска криза и Србија (II)

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Почетна страна > NSPM in English > Petition Against EULEX Violating Kosova’s Sovereignty
NSPM in English

Petition Against EULEX Violating Kosova’s Sovereignty

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Group of East-European intellectuals   
четвртак, 17. септембар 2009.

In the Republic of Kosova we are encountered with a colonial situation. Essentially, things are not as they appear to be. Independence is based on Ahtisaari’s plan, as its political and legal foundation. By qualifying Kosova as a sui generis case, Ahtisaari’s Plan creates a disabled Kosova. As a result, Kosova was treated as an isolated case, and the hope for other small and repressed nations for their liberation experienced a harsh thump.

The Republic of Kosova stands for a state deprived from its statehood. It stands as substanceless subject. International administration constituted primarily by NATO, EU, UN, WB, IMF, stands as colonial structure. Colonial structures took over essential state apparatuses. They control and govern with them, therefore with the Republic of Kosova. The existing political configuration of the country should be read as the symptom of the spectacles of international relations and not as the will of the people of Kosova.

European Union took over the responsibilities for the rule of law and justice in the Republic of Kosova. The biggest EU mission (EULEX) ever says to be only an observing mission. EULEX defines itself as a "crisis management operation," as if the crisis is here to stay and merely has to be managed. "(Re)solution," the traditional vocabulary of international missions, has been replaced by "management." Crisis management means prevention of an explosion of crisis, not elimination of the crisis or its causes. EULEX stands as guardian of the two ongoing processes: ethnically–based decentralization (another name for cantonisation, therefore partition) and neoliberal privatization of everything existing.

Given to these political paradigms, EULEX is acting as a sovereign of the country. An agreement with Serbia on police, courts and customs is on the top of their agenda. This is a flagrant violation of Kosova’s (formal) sovereignty. Therefore, we support the demonstration of the coalition of organizations of Kosova against the agreements of EULEX with Serbia. Furthermore, we encourage every individual and organization to act against each and every form of international domination. 

In solidarity.

1) Slavoj Žižek, Ljubljana

2) Dr. Marina Gržinić, Ljubljana

3) Group Reartikulacija (Marina Gržinić, Staš Kleindienst, Sebastjan Leban, Tanja Passoni), Ljubljana

4) Orgest Azizi, Philosopher, Paris/Tiranë

5) Stéphane Douailler, Profésseur de philosophie à l'Université Paris-8

6) Guillaume Sibertin-Blanc, Profésseur agrégé (PRAG) à l'Université Toulouse II, Le Mirail.

7) Enis Sulstarova, Sociologist, University of Tirana, Tiranë

8) Dr.Suzana Milevska, Professor of Art History, Skopje

9) Besnik Pula, Sociologist, New York

10) Grupa Spomenik (Monument Group), Tuzla, Bosnia

11) Bobby Banerjee, University of Western Sydney, Australia

12) Mladen Dolar, Philosopher, Ljubljana                                                

13) Tihomir Tupuzovski, Philosopher and artist, Skopje

14) Grupi Saktivista, Tiranë

15) Lëvizja MJAFT!, Tiranë

16) Ivo Banac, President, Croatian Helsinki Committee for Human Rights, Zagreb, Croatia

17) Alenka Zupanćić, Philosopher, Ljubljana

18) Peter Hallward, Philosopher, London

19) Krzysztof Czyzewski, President, Borderland Foundation, Poland

20) Ana Bezić, Archeologist, PhD., Rijeka

21) Branimir Stojanović, Philosopher, Belgrade

22) Milica Tomić, Artist/Theoretician, Belgrade

23) Damir Arsenijevic, PhD. në Letërsi, Tuzla

24) Jaakko Juhaani Karhunen, artist, Helsinki

25) Dušan Mandič, artist, Ljubljana, (member of group Irwin)

26) Miran Mohar, artist, Ljubljana, (member of group Irwin)

27) Andrej Savski, artist, Ljubljana, (member of group Irwin)

28) Roman Uranjek, artist, Ljubljana, (member of group Irwin)

29) Borut Vogelnik, artist, Ljubljana, (member of group Irwin)

30) Pavle Levi, Film Theorist, Stanford University, California

31) Jasmina Husanović, Cultural Theorist, Tuzla