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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

Recognizing Kosovo Least Bad Option for United States

Charles A. Kupchan   
понедељак, 10. март 2008.

If you include countries that have stated their intent to do so, and are working the recognition through a legal or parliamentary procedure, you get roughly thirty-two, thirty-three countries thus far. And then there are another twenty or so that have said that they are in the midst of deliberations, and they are making up their minds about whether to recognize the state.

NSPM in English

Why India must oppose Kosovo's independence

Maloy Krishna Dhar   
среда, 05. март 2008.

It is time for India to stridently oppose unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo, while under UN administration. India should openly support Russia and China in the UN and ask Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to explain to the world body as to how the US and allies could bury the UN mandate.

NSPM in English

Washington gets a new colony in the Balkans

Sara Flounders   
субота, 01. март 2008.

First, Kosovo is not gaining independence or even minimal self-government. It will be run by an appointed High Representative and bodies appointed by the U.S., European Union and NATO. An old-style colonial viceroy and imperialist administrators will have control over foreign and domestic policy.

NSPM in English

Undersecretary Burns Should Be Personally Responsible

Vojin Joksimovich   
среда, 27. фебруар 2008.

In the aftermath of the U.S. recognition of unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo Albanians and subsequent violence targeting the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade, Undersecretary for Political Affairs in the State Department Nicholas Burns said had Serbia had a “fundamental responsibility” to protect U.S. diplomats and citizens.

NSPM in English

Will American Empire End Before It Ends the World?

Paul Craig Roberts   
недеља, 24. фебруар 2008.

The hypocrisy of US government officials is boundless. On February 18, the US government inflamed Serbians by recognizing Muslim separatists in Kosovo, a historic province of Serbia, as an independent country. Two hundred thousand Serbs marched in protest and the US embassy in Belgrade was damaged. Is this surprising?

NSPM in English

'Independent' Kosovo: A threat, not a country

James George Jatras   
среда, 20. фебруар 2008.

With a stoke of his pen, President Bush, by heeding the State Department's bad advice to recognize a supposedly independent Kosovo, has triggered the perfect international storm: shattering the principle of the territorial integrity of sovereign nations, encouraging violent separatists worldwide, provoking a needless confrontation with Russia and other countries.

NSPM in English

The end of multilateralism?

Ian Banckroft   
уторак, 19. фебруар 2008.

Setting aside the prime doctrines that have underpinned the international order since the second world war provides the most dangerous precedent of recognising Kosovo's independence.

NSPM in English

The neocon-liberal popular front, from Serbia to Iraq

Justin Raimondo   
понедељак, 18. фебруар 2008.

There was no "genocide" – the International Tribunal itself reported that just over 2,000 bodies were recovered from postwar Kosovo, including Serbs, Roma, and Kosovars, all victims of the vicious civil war in which we intervened on the side of the latter. The whole fantastic story of another " holocaust " in the middle of Europe was a fraud.

NSPM in English

Europe under the U.S. Protectorate

Pjotr Iskenderov   
понедељак, 11. фебруар 2008.
The present-day hectic activities in the Brussels corridors are nothing but a blind to conceal the movements of the chief architect of the Kosovo settlement problem, that makes its office in other places than the EU headquarters, the roomy studies of Washington's White House.
NSPM in English

Council Conclusions on Western Balkans

Council of the European Union   
понедељак, 28. јануар 2008.

The Council adopted the following conclusions: "Serbia The Council agreed on the text of the invitation at annex." The Council welcomed the entry into force of the visa facilitation and readmission agreements with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia on 1 January 2008.

NSPM in English

The Americans are Recommending Themselves as the Successors of Rome

Interview with Willy Wimmer   
среда, 05. март 2008.
“The interests of the United States are obviously different from those of Europe. We are increasingly coming to the conclusion that the events in the Balkans developed in such a way so that Washington could establish a dominant presence in the region, which was not the case after 1945.
NSPM in English

A foundation of sand

William Montgomery   
недеља, 02. март 2008.

In fact, as I write this column, I am staring at a "mouse pad" for my computer that we sent out by the hundreds with exactly that flag-waving image. It was a time of hope and optimism. I thought of all the work done by so many Serbs, beginning with Zoran Djindjić, to re-connect Serbia with Europe and to lead the country and its citizens to a better life.

NSPM in English

A system to enforce imperial power will only be resisted

Seumas Milne   
четвртак, 28. фебруар 2008.

It might have been expected that the catastrophe of Iraq and the bloody failure of Afghanistan would have at least dampened the enthusiasm among western politicians for invading other people's countries in the name of democracy and human rights.

NSPM in English

One Nation, Indivisible

Vuk Jeremić   
среда, 27. фебруар 2008.

If we can find a creative way to step back from the abyss that is Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence, we could not only salvage the credibility of the international system, but even strengthen it through a re-commitment to its basic principles.

NSPM in English

What to About the KLA?

Michael Levitin   
четвртак, 21. фебруар 2008.
"We fought for freedom and independence of Kosovo. But now a new EU mission is on its way in to replace the UN one. You can give it the name independence, but independence it is not," he said. "Independence is when you have an army, when you have a seat at the UN, when you have guarantees of your security."
NSPM in English

Does Balkanization Beckon Anew?

Patrick J. Buchanan   
уторак, 19. фебруар 2008.

By intervening in a civil war to aid the secession of an ancient province, to create a new nation that has never before existed and to erect it along ethnic, religious, and tribal lines, we have established a dangerous precedent. Muslim and Albanian extremists are already talking of a Greater Albania.

NSPM in English

NATO's Kosovo kolony

Diana Johnstone   
понедељак, 18. фебруар 2008.

Across this last weekend, the Western propaganda machine was working overtime, celebrating the latest NATO miracle: the transformation of Serbian Kosovo into Albanian Kosova. A shameless land grab by the United States, which used the Kosovo problem to install an enormous military base (Camp Bondsteel) on other people's strategically located land.

NSPM in English

Time for an independent Serbia

Michael C. Polt   
недеља, 17. фебруар 2008.

Highly unlikely to achieve any Russian support, the United States and Europe must accompany both independence processes without Moscow. It will continue to be a thankless and expensive task. But the completion of Europe is serious business.

NSPM in English

The EU's greatest dilemma

Jan Benkroft   
петак, 01. фебруар 2008.

Supporting Kosovo's independence, contrary to both UN security council resolution 1244 and Europe's own stated foreign policy objectives, will only serve to weaken the CFSP's foundations.

NSPM in English

Voices from Afar: Serbia Votes

Bogdana Koljević   
понедељак, 28. јануар 2008.
On January 20, 2008, Serbia held presidential elections. While it was expected that no one candidate would win enough votes in the first round (and there weren't surprises in how the first round votes were distributed among the candidates), the turnout was unexpectedly high—62 percent (4.1 million voters).
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