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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

New Purge of Judges?

Slobodan Antonic   
четвртак, 04. децембар 2008.

We can paste 100 “European” labels on an “iron broom”, but it will never become European. Because one does not enter complex institutions like the judiciary with barn tools.

NSPM in English

A Little Help From Our Friends

Nikolas K. Gvosdev   
понедељак, 24. новембар 2008.

Everyone recognizes that disengagement from Iraq will be the hallmark of Obama’s agenda of change, including his oft-stated assessment that the Bush administration, by going into Iraq in the first place, dropped the ball on Afghanistan.

NSPM in English

The Russian Hangover

Doug Bandow   
четвртак, 06. новембар 2008.

Two months ago, the United States. and Europe were jolted by a revived Russia. Flush with energy money, Moscow announced that it was back as a world power. Georgia was defeated, Ukraine was fearful, the Eastern Europeans were nervous, and the United States and Western Europeans argued over what to do. Was a new cold war imminent?

NSPM in English

Delusions of war

Seumas Milne   
среда, 29. октобар 2008.

As Foley reminds us, the Nato bombing campaign was supposedly launched to stop war crimes and ethnic cleansing, grotesquely exaggerated in Anglo-American propaganda.  

NSPM in English

Revenge of the Balkans

Gordon N. Bardos   
субота, 30. август 2008.
The roots of the current crisis in U.S.-Russian relations spread far and wide, and some go back to the Balkans in the 1990s, especially the 1999 U.S. and NATO bombing of Serbia.
NSPM in English

EU Starting to Replay Yugoslavian Scenario in the Caucasus

Pyotr Iskenderov   
уторак, 19. август 2008.
The situation in South Ossetia and Abkhazia has also changed radically as a result of the events of the past several days. Again, the EU is trying to benefit from the changes. In this case, however, we hear no references to the interests of the self-proclaimed states.
NSPM in English

Russia Returns

Gordon N. Bardos   
четвртак, 14. август 2008.

Disputes over the U.S. missile-defense shield in central Europe, escalating tensions in the Caucasus and the state of human rights in Russia itself have done considerable harm to relations between Moscow and Washington.

NSPM in English

Kosovo and the rise of Serbia’s “euroscepticism”

Slobodan Antonic   
четвртак, 14. август 2008.
After the fall of Slobodan Milosevic in October 2000, membership of the EU appeared to the majority of Serbian public opinion as a goal without an alternative.
NSPM in English

On Thin Ice

Ted Galen Carpenter   
четвртак, 14. август 2008.

The reality is that the United States has only limited leverage in this conflict. True, Washington could, for example, block Russia 's entry into the World Trade Organization, which would deny the country some important economic opportunities. But Russia has some counterleverage at its disposal.

NSPM in English

The Bear Wakes Up

Morton Abramovitz   
уторак, 12. август 2008.

The time is now ripe for NATO to also consider how it allowed a small state to be shattered and to reach a reckoning with Russia 's abusive behavior. All that requires some historical perspective, and that is difficult given the posturing, piety and self-justification permeating our public discussion.

NSPM in English

Carter’s Heir?

Nikolas K. Gvosdev   
уторак, 02. децембар 2008.
It’s a gamble. If it works, Obama becomes the new FDR (who also successfully pulled off the “team of rivals” gambit in foreign affairs). If it fails, Obama becomes the political heir of Jimmy Carter.
NSPM in English

Russian Roulette

Dimitri K. Simes   
четвртак, 06. новембар 2008.

American democracy is malfunctioning to the detriment of our foreign-policy decision making. The hysterical and one-sided U.S. media coverage of the August war between Russia and Georgia is just the most recent example.

NSPM in English

The Liberal Ascendancy

Jacob Heilbrunn   
четвртак, 06. новембар 2008.

For now, the moment is Obama's. He has the opportunity to create the anti-Reagan coalition, which is clearly his aim. In my view, the pundit class continues to underestimate his real ambition. He wants to go down as one of the great presidents in history.

NSPM in English

Our Vanities are Stronger Than Our Ideas

Slobodan Antonic   
петак, 10. октобар 2008.

Because all of us are individually rebels against the system of lies and violence, against the system which was probably never stronger and more cunning. Our creations are our flags of resistance.

NSPM in English

Kosovo Precedent Prevails

Ted Galen Carpenter   
субота, 30. август 2008.

In just a matter of months, the Kosovo precedent has backfired on the United States and generated dangerous tensions between Russia and the West.

NSPM in English

Who Is Responsible for U.S. Russian Policy?

William Pfaff   
уторак, 19. август 2008.

The one thing it does not clarify is who is ultimately responsible for an American policy towards Russia that since  the collapse of the Soviet Union has been aggressive, militarily overbearing, and threatening to the integrity of Russia, to absolutely no useful purpose.

NSPM in English

EU’s folly of recognising Kosovo has come back to haunt us

Hermann Kelly   
четвртак, 14. август 2008.

It is now the people of Georgia who are paying the price for the stupidity of EU Foreign Ministers such as Dermot Ahern’s with the currency of their lives.

NSPM in English

(N)either East – (n)or West

Djordje Vukadinovic   
четвртак, 14. август 2008.

The Serbian general public is practically undivided when it comes to opposing Kosovo's independence, and even though it is lacking a clear idea about what would be an ideal solution.

NSPM in English

Complicity in Genocide

Andrei Areshev   
уторак, 12. август 2008.
Georgian guerillas trained by Western instructors practically wiped out Tskhinvali and nearby villages and committed unprecedented atrocities in the occupied territories.
NSPM in English

Playing with fire

Doug Bandow   
понедељак, 11. август 2008.

As war rages between Georgia and Russia, some NATO advocates argue that peace would reign had the Western alliance offered Georgia a Membership Action Plan last spring. Actually, Georgian and Russian perceptions of potential NATO support for Georgia almost certainly radicalized both sides, making war all but certain.

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