NSPM in English
John B. Judis
среда, 02. децембар 2009. |
Instead, stark choices embitter and skew and polarize our politics and give credibility to notions that can only bring disaster to the country. Let Cheney enjoy the pleasures of retirement, and let the country enjoy a respite from his dreams of unitary executive and a pre-emptive imperial power.
NSPM in English
Johann Hari
петак, 27. новембар 2009. |
Today Dubai will be bailed out by the United Arab Emirates, the oil-rich country of which it is only one state. But the oil will not last forever. More importantly, there is no Bank of Morality that could provide a bailout for this sinister mirage in the desert.
NSPM in English
Jeremy Scahill
уторак, 24. новембар 2009. |
A former senior executive at Blackwater confirmed the military intelligence source's claim that the company is working in Pakistan for the CIA and JSOC, the premier counterterrorism and covert operations force within the military. He said that Blackwater is also working for the Pakistani government.
NSPM in English
Nikos Tsafos
понедељак, 23. новембар 2009. |
Although the drop in demand and prices was unavoidable, Gazprom took a bigger hit than its competitors. Despite remaining Europe’s largest gas supplier, the company experienced the greatest percentage drop in exports. Russian gas prices were higher than Norwegian or Algerian prices, so this could have played a role.
NSPM in English
Jerry Mark Silverman
петак, 20. новембар 2009. |
Unfortunately, the resurrection of “falling dominos” as a metaphor for predicted consequences of an American military withdrawal reflects a profound inability to re-envision the nature of today’s global political environment and America’s place in it.
NSPM in English
Doug Bandow
среда, 18. новембар 2009. |
The USA will remain engaged in East Asia. America’s cultural and economic ties to the region are long-lasting and mutually beneficial. But Washington no longer has any need to attempt to preserve regional military hegemony. And at a time of economic crisis the United States is losing its financial ability to do so.
NSPM in English
Pyotr Iskenderov
недеља, 15. новембар 2009. |
The widely held view is that the 1989 German unification opened the era of the demise of totalitarian regimes across the continent and ultimately made the creation of the united Europe possible. The disintegration of Yugoslavia commenced only a year after the demolition of the Berlin Wall.
NSPM in English
Anne Applebaum
уторак, 10. новембар 2009. |
Some truly awful things did happen: In Yugoslavia there was a bitter war. In Russia, revanchism has returned. Authoritarian dictators run several of the former Soviet republics. But the heart of Central Europe -- Germany, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, the Baltic states, Romania and Bulgaria -- is peaceful and democratic.
NSPM in English
Spencer S. Hsu and Carrie Johnson
понедељак, 09. новембар 2009. |
Federal investigators are examining possible links between Fort Hood shooting suspect Maj. Nidal M. Hasan and an American-born imam who U.S. authorities say has become a supporter and leading promoter of al-Qaeda since leaving a Northern Virginia mosque, officials said.
NSPM in English
Janet Albrechtsen
уторак, 03. новембар 2009. |
The "scheme for the new institutional" contains the provision for a "government." The aim is to give a new as yet unnamed U.N. body the power to directly intervene in the financial, economic and environmental affairs of all the nations that sign the Copenhagen treaty.
NSPM in English
Stephen Karganovic
петак, 27. новембар 2009. |
Does Mr. Tokača’s Atlas list all unpleasant occurrences and events in the region of Srebrenica during the conflict from 1992 to 1995 that were accompanied by violence? No, it does not. Almost all such incidents where the victims were citizens of Serbian ethnicity are omitted.
NSPM in English
Nikolas Gvosdev
среда, 25. новембар 2009. |
Americans hoped that as China modernized and developed, its foreign policy preferences would converge with those of the United States. But this has not happened. Increasingly, China's help is becoming indispensable for those issues identified as most critical for U.S. interests.
NSPM in English
Fareed Zakaria
уторак, 24. новембар 2009. |
Indian officials worry that the Obama team does not share the same fundamental orientation of the Bush administration regarding India's role in the 21st century. Some Obama officials publicly criticized the nuclear deal championed by George W. Bush, a deal that the Indians regard as basic recognition of their status as a major power.
NSPM in English
Slavoj Žižek
петак, 20. новембар 2009. |
When people protested against Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, most of them weren’t asking for capitalism. They wanted solidarity and a rough kind of justice; they wanted the freedom to live their own lives outside state control, to come together and talk as they pleased; they wanted to be liberated from primitive ideological indoctrination.
NSPM in English
Christopher Marsh and Nikolas K. Gvosdev
среда, 18. новембар 2009. |
Russia will continue to be a major factor in their deliberations. Contrary to predictions about the "end of Eurasia," a distinct global region will continue to exist for the foreseeable future between the European Union in one direction and a Chinese-dominated East Asia in the other, especially in terms of business.
NSPM in English
Srdja Trifkovic
понедељак, 16. новембар 2009. |
The intention of postmoderns to destroy real people, with their natural loyalties, traditional morality, and inherited cultural preferences, is the same everywhere. Its specific manifestations may be different in the USA and Serbia—the homes of our two interlocutors and my good friends—but the underlying motivation is identical.
NSPM in English
Daniel Steinvorth
петак, 13. новембар 2009. |
Many Turks today believe that true greatness lies in the imperial past -- and that this past is no longer to be found exclusively in the West. Europe, with its fondness for criticizing Turkey, is increasingly become yesterday's ideal. "Neo-Ottomanism" is in vogue in Turkey.
NSPM in English
Andrea Elliott
понедељак, 09. новембар 2009. |
Muslim leaders, advocates and military service members have taken pains to denounce the shooting and distance themselves from Major Hasan. They make the point that his violence is no more representative of them than it is of other groups to which he belongs.
NSPM in English
Gregory Elich
среда, 04. новембар 2009. |
The government of Serbia flaunts its disregard for its own citizens. The bourgeois parties in power represent only the narrow interests of their own class and the system's Western beneficiaries.
NSPM in English
Dimitri K. Simes
недеља, 01. новембар 2009. |
Working with Russia to block Iran's nuclear program will not be easy. Obama will have to do much better than he did when trying to win Russian support for Chicago's Olympic bid: he called Putin two days before the crucial vote, when Moscow was already committed to Rio, and offered nothing in return to the rather Russian Prime Minister.