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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

American Power Is on the Wane

Paul Kennedy   
четвртак, 11. фебруар 2010.

Today, however, our dependency upon foreign investors will approximate more and more the state of international indebtedness we historians associate with the reigns of Philip II of Spain and Louis XIV of France – attractive propositions at first, then steadily losing glamour.

NSPM in English

Academician Mihajlo Marković passed away

Živadin Jovanović   
среда, 10. фебруар 2010.

Mihajlo Marković was among the first to join the National Liberation Anti-Fascist War of 1941-1945 and holder of several wartime and peace decorations and medals. He has been publicly opposing the attempts of rewriting the history of the Anti-Fascist struggle and the history of the World War II.

NSPM in English

Europe Feels Snubbed by Obama

Steven Erlanger   
субота, 06. фебруар 2010.

Europe and NATO have provided troops for Afghanistan, but not many more since Mr. Obama took office, particularly measured against the new American buildup. Europe is divided on Russia and the Middle East, and has been very helpful on Iran, but mostly bilaterally.

NSPM in English

The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Democracy

Noam Chomsky   
петак, 05. фебруар 2010.

This attack on classical liberalism was sharply condemned by the vanishing breed of conservatives. Christopher G. Tiedeman described the principle as “a menace to the liberty of the individual, and to the stability of the American states as popular governments.”

NSPM in English

Jasenovac – Holocaust promoted by Vatican

Ari Rusila   
среда, 03. фебруар 2010.

Jasenovac was third biggest extermination camp during WWII and probably the cruelest. The brutality may be explained with its more religious aspect that others. Vatican played important role during events involving afterwards money laundry and covering up war criminals.

NSPM in English

Serbia will be a bridge between the European Union and the African Union

Vuk Jeremic   
понедељак, 01. фебруар 2010.

We believe that, in the interdependent world of the 21st century, Serbia’s membership in the European Union would give a new, more profound meaning to our relations with AU member states.

NSPM in English

Losing Tokyo

Paul J. Saunders   
среда, 27. јануар 2010.

What is most striking from outside Japan is the new government’s apparent failure to think through the base issue in advance, which in turn placed Mr. Hatoyama in the position of rejecting a deal signed with one of Tokyo’s closest allies without having a well-developed alternative proposal.

NSPM in English

Ukraine’s Counterrevolution

Doug Bandow   
понедељак, 25. јануар 2010.

The Soviet Union lost the Cold War. Russia won’t be able to pick up the pieces, irrespective of its relationship with Ukraine. The idea of a Russian attack on the United States is a paranoid fantasy. Russia, with or without Ukraine, would lose overwhelmingly.

NSPM in English

Obama – The PR President

Bruce Klingner   
петак, 22. јануар 2010.

It’s time for President Obama to stop substituting public relations for foreign policy. The United States remains the sole nation in the world capable of leadership in addressing global security challenges. Obama must decide to do the right thing, even when it isn’t popular overseas.

NSPM in English

Аnother dubious provision in the Lisbon treaty: citizens' initiatives

петак, 15. јануар 2010.

Invite citizens to draft new EU legislation, and would they demand new rights for the disabled, cleaner rivers and more aid for the developing world? Or are Europeans in a sour, recession-struck mood: would they seek tighter curbs on immigration or new hurdles to EU enlargement?

NSPM in English

Europe Doesn’t Matter

Doug Bandow   
четвртак, 11. фебруар 2010.

Even after approving the Lisbon Treaty, the Europeans seem unwilling to do anything practical to support a European foreign policy. EU members are shrinking their militaries and reluctant to deploy troops in dangerous missions.

NSPM in English

Europe needs to show it has a crisis endgame

Wolfgang Münchau   
понедељак, 08. фебруар 2010.

What has not changed since the 1992 crisis is that European policymakers and their economic advisers still lack a basic understanding of how financial markets react to policies or, in this case, to a lack of policies.

NSPM in English

Serbia should not join Nato

Svetozar Stojanovic   
петак, 05. фебруар 2010.

It is enough that Serbia is a member of the Partnership for Peace programme. If it became a Nato member, it could not retain its close ties with the important group of nonaligned countries, nor could it preserve its reputation as a country that participates in UN peace missions.

NSPM in English

US Sponsored Regime Change in Iran

Ardeshir Ommani   
четвртак, 04. фебруар 2010.

The U.S.-U.K. intelligence services under the covers of their diplomatic corps took advantage of the chaotic atmosphere, artfully promoted by the landed aristocracy and their spokesmen in the national congress and Mossadegh's administration.

NSPM in English

Another U.S. War? Obama Threatens China and Iran

Shamus Cooke   
уторак, 02. фебруар 2010.

Still fresh in the memories of both the U.S. and China is the recent trade flair up, when Obama imposed taxes on Chinese imports; and China responded with protectionist measures against U.S. companies, which brings us to the heart of the matter.

NSPM in English

The State of the Union

Barack Obama   
петак, 29. јануар 2010.

We have finished a difficult year. We have come through a difficult decade. But a new year has come. A new decade stretches before us. We don't quit. I don't quit. Let's seize this moment -- to start anew, to carry the dream forward, and to strengthen our union once more.

NSPM in English

The Realist Prism: The Ukraine That Might Have Been

Nikolas Gvosdev   
уторак, 26. јануар 2010.

The next president of Ukraine will not find the doors of the EU or NATO opened any wider. EFTA and an "associated status" with NATO may have seemed like half a loaf to Ukrainians who believed they were promised full and complete integration into the Euro-Atlantic world.

NSPM in English

The Great Recession Continues

Mortimer Zuckerman   
петак, 22. јануар 2010.

Today, mainstream Americans are going on a financial diet amid deteriorating family finances. They know now that they cannot spend what they don't have, as the painful consequences of spending levels that were artificially pumped up by too much debt have hit home.

NSPM in English

Kosovo is our Jerusalem

Vuk Jeremic   
субота, 16. јануар 2010.

Mr. Jeremic refused to say what Serbia would demand if it managed to force Kosovo back to the negotiating table by winning its case before the International Court of Justice. He insisted that the mistake the United States and its allies made before Kosovo’s declaration was dictating rather than discussing terms.

NSPM in English

Loose Ends

Morton Abramowitz   
четвртак, 14. јануар 2010.

Obama’s decision to commit more soldiers is in fact the third surge in Afghanistan since 2008, when the much-reviled Bush administration started increasing troop levels after six years of military and governmental ineffectiveness. Obama announced the second surge in March. And now we have a third surge.

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