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NSPM in English
NSPM in English

How the noughties were a hinge of history

Martin Wolf   
sreda, 13. januar 2010.

The western world, as a whole, remains potent, with about 40 per cent of global output, at purchasing power parity. But other countries and forces are now on the rise, while the challenges ahead are also more complex and global than ever before.

NSPM in English

Swine flu – They Organized the Panic

Wolfgang Wodarg   
utorak, 12. januar 2010.

Can we go on allowing the production of vaccines and the conduct of these productions to organizations whose goal is to win as much money as possible? That's why I think we should abandon the system of patents on vaccines.

NSPM in English

Another Iranian Revolution? Not Likely

Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett   
petak, 08. januar 2010.

The Obama administration’s half-hearted efforts at diplomacy with Tehran have given engagement a bad name. The president will do a real disservice to American interests if he waits in vain for Iranian political dynamics to “solve” the problems with his Iran policy.

NSPM in English

Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan: A Customs Deal and a Way Forward for Moscow

ponedeljak, 04. januar 2010.

Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan will enter into a common customs union Jan. 1, 2010, making economic integration between the three countries. The official details of the union are not finalized and will be solidified in multiple phases over the next year.

NSPM in English

The New Year

Jacob Heilbrunn   
četvrtak, 31. decembar 2009.

But Iran will prove a big test for Obama when it explodes. How he handles it could make or break his presidency, just as it did Jimmy Carter’s. The best he will be able to do initially is nothing. But if a new regime is in Tehran over the next year, he’ll have to move quickly to restore relations with it.

NSPM in English

War From Cyberspace

Richard Clarke   
četvrtak, 24. decembar 2009.

How does deterrence work in cyber war when our capabilities are secret and our weapons undemonstrated? Should we, because of our own vulnerabilities to cyber attack, initiate cyber-arms-limitation talks, instead of our current policy of opposing them? Can arms control work in cyberspace when verification is so difficult?

NSPM in English

Rescuing American Capitalism

Maurice R. Greenberg   
sreda, 16. decembar 2009.

The former head of AIG takes on the people who destroyed his company, the bankers who accepted too many bonuses and the bureaucrats trying to fix the financial system. Obama must cut taxes, pour money into infrastructure and promote entrepreneurship.

NSPM in English

Nobel Peace Prize speech

Barack Obama   
subota, 12. decembar 2009.

We can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us, and still strive for justice. We can admit the intractability of deprivation, and still strive for dignity. We can understand that there will be war, and still strive for peace.

NSPM in English

Holier Than Thou

Doug Bandow   
utorak, 08. decembar 2009.

Nevertheless, Islamic governments have little credibility to complain. In the main Muslim nations are authoritarian, distrustful of any form of freedom, whether civil, political, personal or religious. Some have tolerated and even supported terrorism as long as it was not directed at them.

NSPM in English

Copenhagen climate change conference

The Guardian   
ponedeljak, 07. decembar 2009.

Many of us, particularly in the developed world, will have to change our lifestyles. The era of flights that cost less than the taxi ride to the airport is drawing to a close. We will have to shop, eat and travel more intelligently. We will have to pay more for our energy, and use less of it.

NSPM in English

The Death of Liberalism in the United States

Shamus Cooke   
sreda, 13. januar 2010.

Liberalism in the U.S. is already dead for all intents and purposes, but not everyone has recognized it, or acted upon it. Nevertheless, the first steps in achieving political independence – which amounts to breaking completely with the Democratic Party – have begun.

NSPM in English

Iran’s Counterrevolution

Jacob Heilbrunn   
subota, 09. januar 2010.

These memories were stirred by a splendidly provocative piece by Flynt Leverett and Hillary Mann Leverett on Iran. Leveretts came to prominence by attacking the Bush administration for bungling relations, early on, with Tehran, alleging that its ideological preconceptions blinded it to the chance to treat with it.

NSPM in English

A War We Can’t Afford

Doug Bandow   
sreda, 06. januar 2010.

The United States is attempting to run a quasi-empire on the cheap. How we do the paying is less important than what we are paying for. Much of today’s “defense” spending has nothing to do with defending America. Washington should bring our foreign ends into conformity with our domestic means.

NSPM in English

Obama Administration Prepares Public Opinion for Attack on Yemen

Patrick Martin   
nedelja, 03. januar 2010.

A series of US media reports suggest that new US-backed military attacks inside Yemen are imminent. Citing “two senior US officials,” CNN reported: “The US and Yemen are now looking at fresh targets for a potential retaliation strike.”

NSPM in English

The Economic Crisis Ends; the Political Crisis Begins

Shamus Cooke   
utorak, 29. decembar 2009.

The issue of the day is clear: somebody must be made to pay for the economic crisis. The corporate-elite is planning to push this burden on to the working class. The working class must push back. Unions and community organizations should begin organizing.

NSPM in English

Democracy Under Arrest

John Bolton   
subota, 19. decembar 2009.

A British arrest warrant, issued over the weekend in London for former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni, shows precisely why. The warrant charged Ms. Livni—the current leader of opposition—with war crimes allegedly committed by Israeli forces during Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip last winter.

NSPM in English

What the United States Can Learn From the Soviet War in Afghanistan

Nikolas Gvosdev   
ponedeljak, 14. decembar 2009.

Is Afghan President Hamid Karzai another Babrak Karmal, who was the Soviet Union’s initial preference as Afghanistan’s leader but who was unable to build a self-supporting regime that permitted his foreign benefactors to go home?

NSPM in English

Sins of Emission

Paul J. Saunders   
sreda, 09. decembar 2009.

The British-Danish position seems driven by a desire to embrace and reward the announcements by the Obama administration and Beijing with a view to encouraging each to take further action and helping each to demonstrate domestically that others are taking major steps.

NSPM in English

Montenegro's Membership in NATO and Serbia's Position

ponedeljak, 07. decembar 2009.

With Montenegro’s entry into NATO, relations between Serbia and Montenegro are not expected to worsen. Montenegrins think of themselves as “original Serbs”, so ethnic relations are good, if somewhat tense due to the 2006 separation.

NSPM in English

Talking to Turkey

Morton Abramowitz and Henri Barkey   
nedelja, 06. decembar 2009.

Obama will have to recognize that he is dealing with a confiden Turkey. Erdogan will probably not grant the White House much more cooperation in dealing with Iran. And Obama should not shy away from disagreeing with Erdogan on other Middle Eastern questions, or freedom of the press in Turkey.

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