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NSPM in English

Algebra in Wonderland

Melanie Bayley   
ponedeljak, 08. mart 2010.

Yet Dodgson most likely had real models for the strange happenings in Wonderland, too. He was a tutor in mathematics at Christ Church, Oxford, and Alice’s search for a beautiful garden can be neatly interpreted as a mishmash of satire directed at the advances taking place in Dodgson’s field.

NSPM in English

The US Economy is Set for a “Double-Dip” Recession

Paul Craig Roberts   
subota, 06. mart 2010.

The economy is set for a “double-dip,” that is, renewed decline. This, of course, means larger federal, state, and local budget deficits. The U.S. federal deficit is now so large that it can no longer be financed by the trade surpluses of China, Japan, and OPEC. 

NSPM in English

Europe's Original Sin

Charles Forelle, Stephen Fidler   
subota, 06. mart 2010.

Greece's current crisis—which has weakened the euro and sown concerns about the debt levels of some other European countries—shows Europe's political ambitions for a broad euro are clashing with economic realities. It also suggests Greece's economic success was partly a mirage created by misreported economic statistics.

NSPM in English

Collapse of the G-2 Myth

Roman Tomberg   
sreda, 03. mart 2010.

The new US President did make attempts to sense new approaches over his first year in office: he denied approval to the arms deal with Taiwan and did not receive Dalai Lama during the Tibet leader's previous US tour. Moreover, H. Clinton even pledged to tame the criticism of Beijing over human rights.

NSPM in English

Serbia, the United States, and the Riddle of Europe

Vuk Jeremic   
petak, 26. februar 2010.

In the face of numerous obstacles and against overwhelming odds, we have consolidated our democracy. We have done so not out of fear of being left behind, but out of a self-confidence that this is where we belong, and in our ability to make a non-trivial contribution to solving the Riddle of Europe.

NSPM in English

Hillary's Bosnian Obsession

Srdja Trifkovic   
petak, 26. februar 2010.

Mrs. Clinton’s exact reasons for wanting to abolish the Bosnian-Serb Republic and help Iran’s best friends in Sarajevo are deeply personal, and even psycho-pathological. They are therefore not amenable to rational discourse and costs-and-benefits analysis.

NSPM in English

No to the Srebrenica Resolution

Appeal of Foreign Intellectuals   
utorak, 23. februar 2010.

We are concerned that the politicisation of human suffering and the frivolous usage of the grave legal category of genocide greatly cheapens these important concepts and constitutes an undeserved insult to innocent victims of political violence everywhere in the world.

NSPM in English

The Bankruptcy Boys

Paul Krugman   
ponedeljak, 22. februar 2010.

Why are Republicans reluctant to sit down and talk? Because they would then be forced to put up or shut up. Since they’re adamantly opposed to reducing the deficit with tax increases, they would have to explain what spending they want to cut.

NSPM in English

The Making of a Euromess

Paul Krugman   
utorak, 16. februar 2010.

The real story behind the euromess lies not in the profligacy of politicians but in the arrogance of elites — specifically, the policy elites who pushed Europe into adopting a single currency well before the continent was ready for such an experiment.

NSPM in English

The Next Crisis: Prepare for Peak Oil

Patience Wheatcroft   
petak, 12. februar 2010.

Not everyone involved in the energy business takes such a pessimistic line. BP, for instance, has been more optimistic about the prospects for tar sands, although it is also pursuing wind, solar and biofuel investments. Gas is also becoming a much more important part of the energy mix.

NSPM in English

The blackmail of America

Julia Gorin   
nedelja, 07. mart 2010.

Today, however, even the language is reversed: that which we knew would destabilize the region is now promoted as what is needed to "stabilize" the region. And so our military is being used to enforce KLA directives and make the last of the resisting Serbs comply with the new reality.

NSPM in English

Yanukovych’s Election Triumph: A Blow to US “Orange” Project to Isolate Russia

Vladimir Radyuhin   
subota, 06. mart 2010.

GUAM was to play the double role of acting as a cordon sanitaire between Europe and Russia and as a new energy corridor to transport Caspian oil and gas to Europe by bypassing Russia.

NSPM in English

Kosovo is without a doubt the darkest corner of Europe

Vuk Jeremic   
sreda, 03. mart 2010.

I want to reiterate that when it comes to human and minority rights, Serbia will stay the course. We will continue to improve our record — not only because this is our international obligation, but because we do believe that it must be everybody’s moral imperative to do so.

NSPM in English

Ukraine: Post-orange challenges

Hannes Hofbauer   
sreda, 03. mart 2010.

Post-orange Ukraine will try to find its peace with Moscow and restore cultural balance. Yanukovych declared many times to work in this respect. To extend the period of the presence for the Russian marine in Sevastopol and to re-introduce Russian as an official language were parts of Yanukovych‘s political programme.

NSPM in English

Ukrainian Presidential Elections

Ryan M. Kinsella   
petak, 26. februar 2010.

According to Saunders, an IMF plan would also help Ukraine to borrow elsewhere on international markets to finance its government deficit. Other participants proposed easing IMF lending criteria to make them more realistic and providing assistance to Ukraine in combating corruption.

NSPM in English

Vatican's WWII identity crisis

Julia Gorin   
sreda, 24. februar 2010.

The question is whether the Vatican supported the world order, or at least aspects of it, that the Third Reich promised to bring, a world order in which dead Jews were collateral damage - which Pius indeed regretted. The answer can be found in a region of Europe: the Balkans.

NSPM in English

Solution to the Credit Crisis?

Ellen Brown   
utorak, 23. februar 2010.

When states cut spending, they lay off employees, cancel contracts with vendors, eliminate or lower payments to businesses and nonprofit organizations that provide direct services, and cut benefit payments to individuals. The result is a reduction in overall demand.

NSPM in English

EU divisions over Kosovo get deeper

Ian Bancroft   
petak, 19. februar 2010.

The EU's twin accession requirements of "good neighbourly relations" and constructive regional co-operation will soon become the main leverage employed against Serbia by the principal protagonists of Kosovo's independence.

NSPM in English

New Greece fear leaves euro at market's mercy

Times Online   
nedelja, 14. februar 2010.

The figures emerged one day after Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor, refused to commit to a bailout of Greece at a one-day European summit in Brussels. Instead, EU leaders made a general pledge to take "determined and co-ordinated action if needed" to prop up the euro.

NSPM in English

Look To Asia for The Financial Tsunami Wave, Not Europe

Matthias Chang   
petak, 12. februar 2010.

Anyone who knows about the way business is done in the ASEAN region knows too well that if Singapore defaults, Indonesia will be the first to sink, followed rapidly by  Thailand and Malaysia. The contagion will then spread to the rest of Asia. China will not be able to put out the fire.

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