I bet the shredding machines at the US embassy in Cairo are working overtime at the moment. Anyone with half a brain will tell you that US foreign policy in the Middle East is a disaster. Come to think of it, it's hard to find a place in the world where it has actually been a success, despite the horendous propaganda machine in action to convince us otherwise. The Balkans are the prime example of this.
In the Middle East, they want to force the Arabs to accept the American version of 'reality', which is in direct contradiction to the views of the vast majority of Arabs. This is a form of imperial insanity based on incredible arrogance mixed with gross ignorance. As the Arabs don't like American foreign policy in the region, which is so unfair and biased in favor of Israel, the Americans are then forced to support various dictatorships against the will of the people, to create 'stability' and the 'peace process.'
среда, 02 фебруар 2011 00:11
Gemba Jr.
(part II)
The grotesque irony is that the policy of 'stability' is leading inexorably towards massive instability and the complete rejection of the United States and its policy of interference in the Middle East. The idea that the Americans are coming with the gift of democracy, the propaganda cartoon, is ridiculous, and the Arabs are not fooled by any of this. Whilst many of them like American culture they are not about to adopt American policy for their lives, which is the delusion of nearly all imperialists down the ages.
In the Middle East, they want to force the Arabs to accept the American version of 'reality', which is in direct contradiction to the views of the vast majority of Arabs. This is a form of imperial insanity based on incredible arrogance mixed with gross ignorance. As the Arabs don't like American foreign policy in the region, which is so unfair and biased in favor of Israel, the Americans are then forced to support various dictatorships against the will of the people, to create 'stability' and the 'peace process.'
The grotesque irony is that the policy of 'stability' is leading inexorably towards massive instability and the complete rejection of the United States and its policy of interference in the Middle East. The idea that the Americans are coming with the gift of democracy, the propaganda cartoon, is ridiculous, and the Arabs are not fooled by any of this. Whilst many of them like American culture they are not about to adopt American policy for their lives, which is the delusion of nearly all imperialists down the ages.