Strateski znacaj Turske je neizmeran. Turska je suvise vazna Americi, da bi Amerikanci lako prepustili Tursku nezavisnoj politici ili Rusiji. Zato ce pokusati da dovedu na celo Turske, vladu blizu svojim interesima.
Takodje, prvi talas rata na Bliskom Istoku je bio anti-sunitski i pro-siitski. Novi talas rata ce biti anti-siitski i pro-sunitski. Obama je pod ogromnim pritiskom izraelskog lobija da napadne Iran, ali se on plasi posledica.
Najgora varijanta za Amerikance bi bila da napadnu Iran i okrenu i siitske i sunitske zemlje protiv sebe.
Sledecih dvesta godina ce se u Americi proucavati koja budala je napala Irak i zasto.
среда, 28 април 2010 05:53
Srboljub Savic
Nothing, but American arrogance and ignorance.
Dealing with person requires understanding its personality (up to DNK characteristic for deep
& long term deal), State and nation ask for understanding history, culture and interests.
Counting on state, to be something’s (or somebody’s) “anchor”, even if it is “banana republic” is too much to last.
Forgetting long history of Ottoman Empire-predecessor of modern Turkey, relations with surrounding countries (where Russia and Near & Middle East have different but significant place), means –“who cares?” and loosing ground of understanding.
Attitude toward Turkey’s evident genocide character of fights against Kurds and Armenians-
open tolerance for long time, is serious signal toward “ally” –partner, as well to the all world.
Turkey development – growing power and self confidence, without USA control, could not keep
“anchor”-dead weight of USA/NATO’s rooting ship, and gratitude, for ever.
Intervention-bombardment of Serbia, support and direct involvement in such illegal & huge impact action (state robbery) – separation of Serbian territory of Kosovo and Metohiya, also send warning signal to Turkish Government (they have part of Kurdistan and so many Kurds
- people on their own, not immigrants, like Albanians on KiM)
Serving USA and its NATO mask, became limiting factor and obstacle in Turkey’s visions, strategy-aspirations, thus, only deep sleeping (arrogant and negligent) officials could ask-
“what happen?”
Long lasting USA silence-acceptance of Turkey’s way resolving “internal affairs”, could not
be changed and receive applause of its government.
Turkey, trough its Government, simply sees its way to future, different than “frozen” USA officials, who ever like it or not.
[For your information, I’m from nation, which suffered a lot and lost ages of development, under occupation of Ottoman Empire and force of “ally” and “not more, ally”, but …]
With respect,
S. Savic
Takodje, prvi talas rata na Bliskom Istoku je bio anti-sunitski i pro-siitski. Novi talas rata ce biti anti-siitski i pro-sunitski. Obama je pod ogromnim pritiskom izraelskog lobija da napadne Iran, ali se on plasi posledica.
Najgora varijanta za Amerikance bi bila da napadnu Iran i okrenu i siitske i sunitske zemlje protiv sebe.
Sledecih dvesta godina ce se u Americi proucavati koja budala je napala Irak i zasto.
Dealing with person requires understanding its personality (up to DNK characteristic for deep
& long term deal), State and nation ask for understanding history, culture and interests.
Counting on state, to be something’s (or somebody’s) “anchor”, even if it is “banana republic” is too much to last.
Forgetting long history of Ottoman Empire-predecessor of modern Turkey, relations with surrounding countries (where Russia and Near & Middle East have different but significant place), means –“who cares?” and loosing ground of understanding.
Attitude toward Turkey’s evident genocide character of fights against Kurds and Armenians-
open tolerance for long time, is serious signal toward “ally” –partner, as well to the all world.
Turkey development – growing power and self confidence, without USA control, could not keep
“anchor”-dead weight of USA/NATO’s rooting ship, and gratitude, for ever.
Intervention-bombardment of Serbia, support and direct involvement in such illegal & huge impact action (state robbery) – separation of Serbian territory of Kosovo and Metohiya, also send warning signal to Turkish Government (they have part of Kurdistan and so many Kurds
- people on their own, not immigrants, like Albanians on KiM)
Serving USA and its NATO mask, became limiting factor and obstacle in Turkey’s visions, strategy-aspirations, thus, only deep sleeping (arrogant and negligent) officials could ask-
“what happen?”
Long lasting USA silence-acceptance of Turkey’s way resolving “internal affairs”, could not
be changed and receive applause of its government.
Turkey, trough its Government, simply sees its way to future, different than “frozen” USA officials, who ever like it or not.
[For your information, I’m from nation, which suffered a lot and lost ages of development, under occupation of Ottoman Empire and force of “ally” and “not more, ally”, but …]
With respect,
S. Savic