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Redovni brojevi

Broj 1-2/2007, Tema: Terorizam

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DŽejms Grifit

Kategorije „zločinca" i „neprijatelja" u sistemu globalnog terorizma...........................................................................................11

Kim Lejn Šepal

Zakon je način na koji se država obraća samoj sebi...........................................................................................29

Aleksandar Pavković

Terorizam kao instrument oslobođenja: stanovište ideologije oslobođenja...........................................................................................45

Predrag Čičovački

Državni terorizam - najveća pretnja po čovečanstvo...........................................................................................67

Nikolas Gvozdev

Terorizam i realizam...........................................................................................83

Ivan Šijaković

Terorizam i problem identiteta...........................................................................................93

Ljubiša Mitrović

Intelektualci, strukturalne nejednakosti i terorizam u savremenom svetu...........................................................................................107

Miroljub Jevtić

Politička korektnost - uzrok neuspeha Zapada u borbi protiv terorizma...........................................................................................117

Dragan D. Lakićević

Recepcija islamskog radikalizma...........................................................................................137

Slobodan Durmanović

Islamski radikalizam i teroristička pretnja u BiH...........................................................................................157

Zoran Ćirjaković

Islamski fundamentalizam: ključ budućnosti Bosne...........................................................................................183

Mile Pavlovski

Da li je moguć nuklearni terorizam?...........................................................................................203


Dosije I

Žan Bodrijar

Duh terorizma...........................................................................................211

Alan Badju

11. septembar 2001: filozofija i „rat protiv terora"...........................................................................................223

Jirgen Habermas

Fundamentalizam i teror...........................................................................................237

Žak Derida

Autoimunitet: stvarna i simbolička samoubistva...........................................................................................247

Majkl Valcer

Politički kodeks...........................................................................................267

Majkl Ignjatijev

Sloboda i armagedon...........................................................................................277

Pol Gilbert

Stari i novi ratovi...........................................................................................303

Dimitri K. Sajms

DŽihad kao nenameravani produkt američke politike...........................................................................................323


Dosije II

Nacionalno-bezbednosna strategija SAD...........................................................................................329

Iranska odskočna daska za Evropu...........................................................................................335

Islamski terorizam na prostoru Balkana...........................................................................................349

Izveštaj o terorističkim napadima nad Srbima i drugim nealbancima na području Kosova i Metohije...........................................................................................359



Bogdana Koljević

Terorizam, pragmatizam, apsolutizam...........................................................................................383


Recenzije, prikazi

Dunja Simonović

Sav taj terorizam (Walter Laquer, History of terrorism...........................................................................................395

Dejan Vuk Stanković

Istorija terorizma i oblici terorističkih delatnosti (DŽonatan Vajt, Terorizam)...........................................................................................397

Dejan Petrović

Bliskoistočni koreni globalnog terora (Stephen Kinzer, Ceu Šahovi ljudi)...........................................................................................400

Saša Gajić

Ratovi kroz istoriju (X. Arčer, DŽ. Feris, X. Hervig i T. Travers, Svetska istorija ratovanja)...........................................................................................406

Mario Brudar

Sagledavanje Kosovskog problema (Aleksandar Fatić, prir. Pitanje Kosmeta)...........................................................................................410

Slobodan Antonić

Država kao plen (Slobodan Vuković, Pravo, moral i korupcija)...........................................................................................414

Marinko M. Vučinić

Bez iluzije (Zoran Đinđić, Srbija - novi početak)...........................................................................................418

Zoran Avramović

Politički polovi u Srbiji (Miloš Knežević, Podeljena moć)...........................................................................................426

Jovana Papan

Muzika, politika i moć (Annie J. Rendall, Music, Power and Politics)...........................................................................................428






DŽejms Grifit

De Pol univerzitet Čikago


Sažetak: Analizirajući teorijsku pozadinu Nacionalno bezbednosne strategije SAD i okvira za borbu protiv terorizma, autor utvrđuje ga se globalni terorizam ne može podvesti pod kategorije „zločinca" i „neprijatelja" (Kant i Šmit), što je bitnoj meri analogno razlici između uobičajenog, klasičnog i savremenog značenja ovog fenomena. U drugom delu rada kritički osvrt na dela Ignjatijeva, Greja i Batler, kao tri ključna filozofska doprinosa u rešavanju značenja i efekata 11. septembra, ima za cilj za ukaže na nužnost iznalaženja nove kategorije kao niti vodilje za drugačije koncipiranu američku spoljnu politiku, koja bi izbegla jednostranosti i protivrečnosti svojstvene vladajućem „ratu protiv terorizma".

Ključne reči: globalni terorizam, zločinac, neprijatelj, Nacionalno-bezbednosna strategija, Al kaida.

* Naslov originala: Categories of „criminal" and „enemy" within the system of global terorrism". Delovi eseja prezentovani su na međunarodnom simpozijumu na New School University u Njujorku u jesen 2005, objavljeni u International Journal of Applied Philosophy vol. 20, no. 1, str. 107-126, 2006,


Kim Lejn Šepal

Univerzitet Prinst Centar Vudro Vilson


Sažetak: Razmatrajući dominantne filozofske i pravne teorije o vanrednom stanju, insistira se na važnosti formulisanja empirijski, a ne samo normativno zasnovane koncepcije vanrednog stanja, koja bi u većoj meri odgovarala na potrebe savremenih društava. Normativne teorije susreću se kod Šmita, Kelsena, Agambena, i u drugačijem obliku kod branioca ljudskih prava. Kroz kritički osvrt na pomenute analize, autorka upućuje na važnost dnevnooperativnih funkcija zakona, kao i na činjenicu da nakon 11. septembra, u situaciji međunarodnog vanrednog stanja, nacionalno fokusiranje više nije adekvatno za upotrebu vanrednih mera.

Ključne reči: vanredne mere, vanredno stanje, „vanrednosti", empirijska kritika, javni zakon, međunarodno vanredno stanje, bezbednost.

* „Law is the Way the State Talks to Itself, članak sa međunarodne konferencije održane na New School univerzitetu u Njujorku, februar 2007.


Aleksandar Pavković

Mekvori univerzitet Sidnej


Sažetak: Globalni terorizam je paradigmatičan primer stanovišta ideologije nasilnog oslobođenja. Sa filozofsko-etičke pozicije najpre se analizira pokušaj opravdavanja terorizma u kontekstu njegove ideologije, kao i odgovori na primedbe koje su terorizmu upućene sa stanovišta univerzalnog humanizma. U cilju rasvetljavanja glavnih tački razlaza u etičkim principima i vrednostima dva stanovišša, ukazuje se na srodnost između Fanonove koncepcije ideologije oslobođenja i ciljeva i opravdanja terorizma od Osame bin Ladena. Pojmovni aparat utemeljen na odnosu ugnjetača i ugnjetenog, kao i kolektivnog definisanja sistema ugnjetavanja, u oba slučaja funkcionišu analogno, a zasnovani su na uverenju o moralnoj superiornosti gpype ugnjetenih. Istovremeno, ideologije oslobođenja počivaju na dva različita obrasca normativnog opravdanja za terorizam, shvaćena kao pravo na grupnu odmazdu i kao opravdanje na osnovu odnosa sredstvo-cilj. Udrugom delu rada razmatra se Kantovo stanovište univerzalnog humanizma i presudna razlika ove pozicije u odnosu na selektivni pristup ideologije oslobođenja u pogledu vrednovanja ljudskog života. Autor ukazuje na to da ograničenje humanizma oslobođenja počiva u pozivanju na političke i stoga kontingentne kriterijume, dok je, s druge strane, univerzalni humanizam prevashodno etička i nepristrasna koncepcija. Činjenica da je svrsishodnost primenljivosti ove koncepcije u konkretnim i specifičnim okolnostima dovedena u pitanje posledično upućuje na mogućnost i nužnost razvijanja stanovišta univerzalističkog humanizma, ali i na njegovu ograničenost.

Ključne reči: ideologije oslobođenja, univerzalni humanizam, ugnjetači, ugnjeteni, sistem ugnjetavanja, moralna vrlina, opravdanje terorizma, sredstvo, cilj, nasilje.

* Prevod eseja „Terrorism as an Instrument of Liberation: A Liberation Ideology Perspective" u Ethics of Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism, priredio George Meggle, Frankfurt and Lancester, Ontos Verlag 2005, str. 245-61. Ranija i kraća verzija ovog teksta objavljena je pod naslovom „Towards Liberation: Terrorism from a Liberation Ideology Perspective" u Tony Coady and Michael O'Keefe (eds.), Terrorism and Justice: Moral Argument in a Threatened World, Melbourne, Melbourne University Press, 2002, str. 58–71.


Predrag Čičovački

Univerzitet Vorčester SAD


Sažetak: Suprotstavljajući se široko rasprostranjenom gledištu da je savremeni terorizam tipičan oblik nasilnih nedržavnih akcija, autor kroz istorijsku i pojmovnu analizu pokazuje da najveću opasnost sa najdalekosežnijim posledicama predstavlja upravo državni terorizam. Terorizam je intrinsično isprepleten sa delovanjem moći savremenih država i ima za cilj uništenje, povređivanje i zastrašivanje civilnog stanovništva. Primeri nasilnog mešanja u unutrašnje poslove stranih država u drugoj polovini 20. veka ponajviše su vezani za agresivne politike SAD i Sovjetskog Saveza. Razmatrajući mnogobrojne primere savremenih oblika državnog terorizma u poslednje dve decenije, utvrđuju se zajednički imenitelji ove pretnje, oličeni u kršenju međunarodnog prava i primeni dvostrukih standarda. Državni terorizam neposredno ugrožava razvoj demokratije i poštovanje suvereniteta. Autor zaključuje da uprkos procesima globalizacije „odumiranje države" još nije na pomolu, te da je neophodno iznaći načine da se odgovori na aktuelne i buduće zloupotrebe moći koje mogu voditi državnom terorizmu.

Ključne reči: državni terorizam, moć, sila, SAD, Sovjetski Savez, demokratija, međunarodno pravo.

* Tekst predavanja koje je 6. mart 2006. godine izloženo na Filozofskom fakultetu u Beogradu, u organizaciji Srpsko-američkog centra i Filozofskog društva Srbije.


Ivan Šijaković

Ekonomski fakultet Banjaluka


Sažetak: U ovom članku autor postavlja pitanje da li smo ušli u eru terorizma. Terorizam je pojava savremenog društva, koja posebno dolazi do izražaja u drugoj polovini 20. veka. Postoji realna opasnost da se intenzitet ove pojave u vidu broja terorističkih grupa, njihovih ciljeva, sredstava i načina delovanja poveća u 21. veku. Terorizam ugrožava najznačajnije tekovine modernog vremena: demokratiju, slobodu i ljudska prava. Različiti su uzroci i povodi nastajanja terorističkih organizacija i izvođenja surovih akcija. U ovom tekstu se iz sociološke vizure analizira pitanje identiteta kao mogući uzrok nastanka različitih terorističkih grupa i organizacija i njihovog delovanja. U tu svrhu razmatra se proces formiranja identiteta i sticanje vrednosti. Traganje za identitetom i njegova odbrana stvaraju različite probleme i teškoće kod pojedinaca i grupa. Reč je o jednostranom, iskrivljenom, „sudbonosnom" i „spasonosnom" identitetu za čiju se odbranu žrtvuje sve, pa i život. Najčešće je reč o žrtvovanju tuđeg života, ali se na kocku stavlja i vlastiti život. Terorizam se tako shvata kao jedino sredstvo njegove odbrane.

Ključne reči: terorizam, identitet, etnička grupa, nacija, religija, ideologija, sloboda, tolerancija.


Ljubiša Mitrović

Filozofski fakultet Niš


Sažetak: U radu se razmatra odnos između strukturalnih nejedna-kosti, socijalnih i regionalnih protivrečnosti i terorizma u savremenom svetu. Autor analizira različite oblike terorizma, fundamentalistički i državni, zadržavajući se posebno na fenomenu simboličkog terorizma i ulozi globalnih medija u njegovoj promociji i ekspanziji. U ovom kontekstu posebno se analizira položaj i uloga intelektualaca u savremenom društvu, uz naglasak na oseku kritičke misli u uslovima masovnog potrošačkog društva, globalizacije i širenja kulturnog neoimperijalizma. Kritikujući marginalizovanu ulogu intelektualca danas, autor se suprotstavlja apologiji stručnjaka i eksperata argumentišući da kulture bez intelektualaca nema. Analiza se završava pledoajeom za obnovu kritičke uloge intelektualaca u životu savremenog društva.

Ključne reči: intelektualac, masmediji, strukturalne nejednakosti, simbolička moć i terorizam.


Miroljub Jevtić

Fakultet političkih nauka Beograd


Sažetak: U radu se analizira uzrok neuspešnosti rata protiv terorizma koji SAD i NATO vode. Kao jedan od glavnih uzroka analiziran je pojam političke korektnosti. Rad nastoji da dokaže da je politička korektnost kao prepreka objektivnoj analizi dovela do toga da se stvarne činjenice koje su prouzrokovale terorizam i dovele do sadašnjeg rata prikrivaju. Zaključak je da je bez vraćanja istinskoj slobodi mišljenja, koja je kao rezultat vladavine političke korektnosti nestala, borba protiv terorizma nemoguća.

Ključne reči: terorizam, politička korektnost, islam, neoliberalizam.

* Ovaj tekst je rađen u okviru projekta br. 149006D koji finansira Ministarstvo za nauku Republike Srbije.


Dragan D. Lakićević

Institut za evropske studije Beograd


Sažetak: Sadržaj teksta čini analiza jedne tipične recepcije filozofije islamskog radikalizma na Zapadu. U prvom delu, izlažu se moderne verzije ovih radikalnih učenja i njihova veza kako sa islamskom tradicijom, tako i sa savremenim zapadnim političkim učenjima. U drugom delu, autor pokazuje u kojoj je meri politički radikalizam islamizma rezultat logike situacije i višedecenijske političke krize na Bliskom istoku. U tom kontekstu, sledi zaključak da su radikalna islamska učenja pre nastala kao reakcija na imperijalnu politiku Zapada a ne kao rezultat frustracije zbog raspada nekadašnjeg Kalifata.

Ključne reči: politički radikalizam, dominacija, globalizacija, islamska učenja, totalitarizam.

* Rad je rađen u okviru projekta 149026, koji finansira Ministarstvo za nauku i zaštitu prirodne sredine.


Slobodan Durmanović

NSPM Beograd


Sažetak: U kontekstu savremenih definicija islamizma, autor razmatra fenomen radikalnog islamizma u BiH. Polazeći od „Islamske deklaracije" Alije Izetbegovića analiziraju se prevashodno teorijske pretpostavke, a zatim predratna i ratna praksa koja je dovela do formiranja ideje o islamskoj bosanskoj državi i uslovila porast muslimanskog fundamentalizma u BiH. Posle rata, revivalističke tendencije, koje govore o nužnosti povratka na stazu izvornog islama i izgrađivanju islamskog identiteta bosanskih muslimana, doživele su pravi procvat. Konkretni primeri rada uticajnih i brojnih organizacija poput Vezira, Furkana, AIO-a i drugih, za svoj cilj navode upravo stvaranje BiH kao države uređene po šerijatu i islamskim vrednostima. Ove „humanitarne organizacije" u prvi plan stavljaju versko obrazovanje mladih, i uživaju ogromnu podršku kod siromašnog muslimanskog stanovništva, a povremeno i kod viših društvenih slojeva. Autor argumentiše da se od 11. septembra i antiterorističkih istraga vođenih u SAD situacija dodatno radikalizovala, paralelno sa porastom broja izveštaja o ratnim, finansijskim i ideološkim vezama „svetih ratnika" i predstavnika islamskih „humanitarnih organizacija" u BiH sa panislamističkim terorističkim grupama širom sveta. Dodatno zabrinjava činjenica da Islamska zajednica u BiH ne osuđuje vehabizam, što je i formalno obelodanjeno u „Adendi" Rijaseta Islamske zajednice. U situaciji slobodnog i nesmetanog delovanja vehabizam, koji predstavlja ideološku platformu za terorizam, beleži neprestani porast broja pristalica, uz cve veće izglede za ugledanje na organizacije poput Hamasa. Problem rastuće terorističke pretnje u BiH pojačan je podsticanjem osećaja frustriranosti i tezom da je u proteklom ratu u BiH nad muslimanima izvršen genocid. U tom pogledu nema bitne razlike između umerenih i radikalnih bosanskih islamista i perspektive za raskid sa radikalizmom nisu velike. Autor zaključuje da je proces suzbijanja islamističkog fundamentalizma neophodan preduslov za izgradnju stabilnog multikonfesionalnog društva u BiH, važan za stabilnost čitavog regiona, kao i bezbednost Evropske unije.

Ključne reči: Bosna i Hercegovina, terorizam, islam, Islamska deklaracija, radikalizam, revivalizam, vehabizam.


Zoran Ćirjaković

NSPM Beograd


Sažetak: U tekstu autor razmatra fenomen oživljavanja islama u BiH u poslednje dve decenije, usredsređujući se na pitanje pragmatičke saradnje vehabitskih, salafističkih i drugih ekstremnih grupa. Ta pojava, karakteristična za većinu islamskog sveta, vidljiva je i u BiH i čini okosnicu islamskog fundamentalizma. Kroz delovanje različitih organizacija, u BiH su praktični efekti ideje da je islam više nego religija, vidno uzeli maha, a krajnji cilj ovog projekta je stvaranje islamske države. Autor razlikuje islamski pozitivni fundamentalizam i militantni fundamentalizam, argumentujući u prilog prvog, pomoću kojeg Bosna može opstati kao država sa tri religije.

Ključne reči: islamska država, vehabiti, pozitivni fundamentalizam, militantni fundamentalizam.


Mile Pavlovski

Tehnološko-metalurški fakultet Beograd


Sažetak: Na početku 21. veka svet je zapljusnuo (ne)očekivani talas terorizma koji u velikoj meri poprima nove forme i sadržaje. Nisu samo u pitanju savremene tehnologije napada već, pre svega, masovnost i ekskluzivnost ciljeva. Veoma atraktivno područje potencijalnih dejstava aktuelnih terorista predstavlja nuklearni industrijski kompleks. Mada je tragedija „Černobila" još u sećanju s obzirom na odložene posledice, nuklearna energetika doživljava novu ekspanziju. Iako je tehnologija proizvodnje nuklearne energije u međuvremenu značajno unapređena, mnogi bezbednosni problemi nisu u potpunosti rešeni. Brojne opasnosti kriju se u mogućnostima preduzimanja određenog tipa nuklearne aktivnosti od terorista kao što su namerno izazivanje nuklearnih akcidenata, napad na nuklearna postrojenja, skladišta radioaktivnog otpada, krađa fisionog materijala ili dolazak u posed nuklearnog oružja. Te potencijalne opasnosti primoravaju međunarodnu zajednicu da posveti značajnu pažnju unapređenju sistema kolektivne nuklearne bezbednosti. To zahteva posebne mere saradnje zemalja koje raspolažu nuklearnim oružjem, kao i nuklearnim energetskim postrojenjima.

Ključne reči: nuklearni terorizam, konfliktni odnosi, nuklearne elektrane, međunarodna zajednica.


Žan Bodrijar


Sažetak: „Štrajk događaja" je završen. Fenomen terorizma i događaji 11. septembra predstavljaju simboličko urušavanje sistema, oživljavajući time simboličku dimenziju, na osnovu koje je zbiljsko suprotstavljanje i borba tek moguća. Po autoru, terorizam je produkt sistema, slika mondijalizacije koja se bori sa samom sobom, ali i čin singularnosti koji prekoračuje sistem razmene. Nije reč o sukobu civilizacija, niti religija, već o temeljnom antagonizmu globalizacije. Samo simboličko nasilje je generator singularnosti.

Ključne reči: događaj, terorizam, simboličko, sistem, drugi, antagonizam, smrt, logika žrtvovanja.

* Esej je prvi put objavljen pod nazivom L'esprit du terrorisme, Editions Galilee, u Parizu 2002.


Alan Badju

Univerzitet Sorbona Pariz


Sažetak: Razmatra se istorijska i semantička promena značenja „terorizma", od načina ispoljavanja državne moći do nedržavnih nasilnih delatnosti, sa fokusom na intenzitet propagandne samoizvesnosti termina. Metodski analogno, istorijski i formalno, autor posmatra i pitanje konstruisanja identiteta „žrtve", savremenih „demokratija" koje vode „rat" protiv terorizma. SAD su postale hegemonska sila, upravo u ratu i kroz rat, a kada je reč o islamskom fundamentalizmu, primenjuju politiku dvostrukih standarda. Zaključak je da je u slučaju fenomena terorizma i rata protiv terorizma reč o disjunktivnoj sintezi dva nihilizma, koja za svoju podlogu imaju apsolutizam.

Ključne reči: filozofija, rat, teror, demokratija, SAD, nihilizam, sinteza, disjunkcija.

* Prevod eseja „On September 11 2001: Philosophy and the 'War against Terrorism'" u Polemics, Verso, London-New York, 2006. Prvi deo Polemics, kojem pripada i ovaj esej, prvi put je objavljen kao Circonstances 1, Editions Leo Scheer, Lignes et Manifestes, Pariz, 2003.


Majkl Valcer

Prinston Nju DŽersi


Sažetak: U članku autor razmatra razliku između političkog kodeksa nekadašnjih revolucionarnih boraca, koji su takođe nazivani teroristima, i formi savremenog terorizma. Autor konstatuje da, za razliku od starih revolucionara, savremeni terorizam karakteriše puko destruktivni karakter i odsustvo pozitivne društvene vizije. U drugom delu rada analiziraju se argumenti apologeta terorizma i dokazuje nemogućnost njihove empirijske primene, kao i odsustvo konzistentnosti i doslednosti u njihovoj argumentaciji.

Ključne reči: terorizam, politički kodeks, nasilje, revolucija.

* Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars, str. 197-206.


Majkl Ignjatijev

Univerzitet Toronto Kanada


Sažetak: Rat protiv terorizma razmatra se u kontekstu pitanja slobode, kao i političkog i moralnog identiteta liberalno-demokratskih društava. U odnosu spram nihlističkog izazova koji terorizam zapravo predstavlja, poštovanje državnog poretka, zakona i ustava su od odlučujuće važnosti. Autor razlikuje tri vrste terorizma i upućuje na izuzetnu složenost terorističkih činova po namerama i posledicama. Posebnu pažnju treba usmeriti na depolitizaciju i demobilizaciju građana prisutnu u borbi protiv terorizma. Era terorizma primorava da se uđe u domen „manjeg zla" i da se uvedu regulative u slobodno tržište tehnologija i ideja, što predstavlja ključni izazov za demokratiju. U ovom slučaju, etika je važna zbog definisanja identiteta društva, kao i određivanja vrste terorizma o kojoj je reč.

Ključne reči: sloboda, politički identitet, etika, zakon, država, demokratija, terorizam globalnog spektakla.

* Prevod eseja „Freedom and Armagedon" deo je šire studije Majkla Ignjatijeva -Michael Ignatieff The Lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror, Prinston University Press, 2004. str. 145-171


Pol Gilbert

Hal univerzitet  Velika Britanija


Sažetak: Na primeru foklandskog konflikta i rata protiv terorizma razvijaju se paradigme starih i novih ratova. Utvrđujući razlike između okolnosti i načina vođenja ratova, autor argumentuje da je reč o temeljnijoj razlici između politike uloge i politike identiteta. Politika identiteta preuzela je primat u konfliktima i odlučujuća je za mobilizaciju podrške „ratu protiv terorizma". Po autoru, to je kontraproduktivna strategija na osnovu koje teror postaje pravilo, a ne izuzetak.

Ključne reči: stari ratovi, novi ratovi, terorizam, politika uloge, politika identiteta.


Dimitri K. Sajms

Nikson centar  Njujork


Sažetak: Autor analizira politiku SAD prema islamskom svetu, počev od Reganove pa do aktuelne Bušove administracije. Fenomen terorizma posmatra se kroz kritiku američke spoljne politike, sa posebnim osvrtom na problematične učinke Klintonove administracije. Na taj način, terorizam i rat protiv terora dovode se u kritičku vezu ne samo sa ratovima u Avganistanu i Iraku, već u sa ratovima vođenim u Bosni i Hercegovini i na Kosovu tokom devedesetih godina.

Ključne reči: spoljna politika SAD, SAD i Rusija, terorizam, američki prioriteti.

* The National Interest 2005 WINTER / 2006 WINTER, 3. januar 2006.


Bogdana Koljević

Nova škola za društvena istraživanja Njujork


(Richard J. Bernstein, The Abuse of Evil - The Corruption of Politics and Religion since 9/11, Polity Press, Maiden, MA, U.S. A, 2005, str. 145)

Sažetak: Polazeći od kontekstualizacije razmatranja fenomena globalnog terorizma unutar različitih diskursa savremene političke filozofije, autor se usredsređuje na pitanje o promenama pojmova političkog, rata i demokratije. Ističe se da se najuspešnije filozofske analize o odnosu terorizma i demokratije zapravo uglavnom ne susreću u okvirima tzv. postmodernističkih i kritičkih rasprava, već pre u mišljenjima koja upućuju na stanje sveopšteg pata kao vodećeg principa društva. Osvrćući se na delo Ričarda Bern-štajna, preispituje se ideja o razlici apsolutizma i pragmatičkog falabilizma, koja osporava Hantingtonovu tezu o sukobu civilizacija i govori o sukobu mentaliteta. Bernštajnova kritička postavka o apsolutističkom mentalitetu, kao preovlađujućem obliku politike SAD poslednjih decenija, instruktivno dovodi u vezu važnost uzajamnosti slobode i odgovornosti koja je prisutna u suprotnoj, tj. falabilističkoj perspektivi. Autor zaključuje da je teza o samoizvesnosti kao pretpostavci rata i otvorenosti kao pretpostavci radikalne demokratske prakse argumentovana i značajna, ali da je za diskurs demokratije takođe neophodno da samokritički reflektuje sopstvene pretpostavke.

Ključne reči: terorizam, pragmatizam, apsolutizam, sukob mentaliteta, pojam političkog, rat, falabilizam, radikalna demokratska praksa.







James Griffith

Categories of "Criminal" and "Enemy" in the System of Global Terrorism...........................................................................................11

Kim Lane Scheppele

Law is the Way the State addresses Itself...........................................................................................29

Aleksandar Pavković

Terrorism as an Instrument of Liberation...........................................................................................45

Predrag Čičovački

State terrorism as Greatest Threat to Mankind...........................................................................................67

Nicholas Gvosdev

Terrorism and Realism...........................................................................................83

Ivan Šijaković

Terrorism and Issue of Identity...........................................................................................93

Ljubiša Mitrović

Intellectuals, Structural Inequalities and Terrorism in Modern World...........................................................................................107

Miroljub Jevtić

Political Corectness as a Cause of Failure in Fighting against Terrorism...........................................................................................117

Dragan D. Lakićević

Reception of Islamic Radicalism...........................................................................................137

Slobodan Durmanović

Islamic Radicalism and Terrorist Threat in Bosnia-Herzegovina...........................................................................................157

Zoran Ćirjaković

Islamic Fundamentalism: The Key of the Future of Bosnia...........................................................................................183

Mile Pavlovski

Is Nuclear Terrorism possible?...........................................................................................203


Dossier I

Jean Baudrillard

Spirit of Terrorism...........................................................................................211

Alan Badiou

On September 112001: Philosophy and the "War against Terrorism"...........................................................................................223

Jiirgen Habermas

Fundamentalism and Terror...........................................................................................237

Jacques Derrida

Autoimmunity: Real and Symbolic Suicides...........................................................................................247

Michael Walzer

Political Code...........................................................................................267

Michael Ignatieff

The lesser Evil: Political Ethics in an Age of Terror...........................................................................................277

Paul Gilbert

Old and New Wars...........................................................................................303

Dimitri K. Simes

Jihad as an Unintended Product of US Politics...........................................................................................323


Dossier II

The National Security Strategy of USA...........................................................................................329

Iran's European Springboard...........................................................................................335

Islamic Terrorism in the Balkans...........................................................................................349

Report on Terrorist Attacks against Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosovo and Metohia...........................................................................................359



Bogdana Koljević

Terrorism, Pragmatism and Absolutism...........................................................................................383



Dunja Simonović

All That Terrorism (Walter Laqueur, History of Terrorism)...........................................................................................395

Dejan Vuk Stanković

The History of Terrorism and Other Forms of Terrorist Activies (Džonatan Vajt, Terorizam)...........................................................................................397

Dejan Petrović

Midle-Eastern Roots of Global Terror (Stephen Kinzer, Svi Šahovi ljudi)...........................................................................................400

Saša Gajić

Wars through History (H. Arcer, X. Feris, H. Hervig i T. Travers, Svetska istorija ratovanja)...........................................................................................406

Mario Brudar

Compremending the Issue of Kosovo (Pitanje Kosmeta, ed. Aleksandar Fatić)...........................................................................................410

Slobodan Antonić

State as a Prey (Slobodan Vuković, Pravo, moral i korupcija)...........................................................................................414

Marinko M. Vučinić

Without Illusion (Zoran Đindić, Srbija - novi početak)...........................................................................................418

Zoran Avramović

Political Polarity in Serbia (Miloš Knežević, Podeljena moć)...........................................................................................426

Jovana Papan

Music, Power and Politics (Annie J. Rendall, Music, Power and Politics)...........................................................................................428







James Griffith



After giving an analysis of the theoretical background of the US National Security Strategy and of the framework for fighting against terror ism, the author decides that global terrorism cannot be classified under the categories of "criminal" and "enemy" (Kant and Schmidt), which is very much analogous to the difference between the common, classic and modern meanings of this phenomenon. In the second part of the paper the author offers a critical overview of the works of Ignatieff, Gray and Butler, as three crucial philosophical contributors to the interpretation of meaning and effect of September 11th. This overview aims to indicate the necessity of finding a new category as the guiding principle for a different concept of US foreign policy, which would avoid partiality and contradictions that are typical features of the current "war against terrorism".  

Key words: global terrorism, criminal, enemy, National Security Strategy, Al Qaeda.


Kim Lane Scheppele



Giving a survey of the principal philosophical and legal theories of state of emergency, the author insists on the importance of making an empirical concept of state of emergency, instead of a purely normative one, since it would address the needs of modern societies in a more appropriate way. Normative theories can be found in the works of Schmidt, Kelsen or Agamben and somewhat different in the works of human rights proponents. Through a criticism of these analyses the author points to the importance of the daily operative functions of law and to the fact that after September 11th, after an international state of emergency, national focusing has become inadequate for the implementation of emergency measures.

Key words: emergency measures, state of emergency, emergencies, empirical criticism, public laws, international state of emergency, security


Aleksandar Pavković



Global terrorism is a classic example of the ideology of violent liberation. From the points of view of philosophy and ethics, the author first analyzes the attempt to justify terrorism in the context of its ideology and comments about objections made to terrorism from the point of view of universal humanism. In order to clarify the main disagreements in ethical principles and values of the two points of view, the author points to the similarity between Fanon's concept of ideology of liberation and aims and justification for Osama bin Laden's terrorism. The conceptual framework based on the relationship oppressor versus the oppressed functions by analogy in both cases, and they are based on the belief about moral superiority of the oppressed group. At the same time, ideologies of liberation are based on two different patterns of normative justification for terrorism viewed as the right to seek collective revenge and as justification based on the relationship between the aim and means.

In the second part of the paper the author analyzes Kant's view of universal humanism and crucial difference between this standing and the selective approach of the ideology of liberation towards the value of human life. The author points to the fact that the limitation of the humanism of liberation is in a call for political and therefore contingent criteria, whereas universal humanism is a primarily ethical and unbiased concept. The fact that the applicability of this concept in specific circumstances is challenged consequently points to the possibility and necessity of developing the standing of universal humanism, but also points to its limitations.

Key words: ideologies of liberation, universal humanism, oppressors, the oppressed, system of oppression, moral virtue, justification for terrorism, aim, means, violence.


Predrag Čičovački



By opposing the widespread view that modern terrorism is a typical form of violent non-state activities, the author uses historical and conceptual analyses to show that state terrorism poses greatest danger with farthest reaching effects. Terrorism is intrinsically intertwined with the exercising of power by contemporary states and its aim is to destroy, injure and intimidate civilians. Examples of violent interference with internal matters of other countries in the second half of the 20th century is primarily associated with aggressive policies of the USA and USSR. After investigating numerous examples of contemporary forms of state terrorism in the last two decades, we can establish the common features of this threat epitomized in violating international law and implementing double standards. State terrorism directly jeopardizes the development of democracy and enjoying sovereignty. The author concludes that withering away of the state is not yet imminent in spite of the globalization process and that it is necessary to find ways of handling current and future acts of power abuse that can lead to state terrorism.

Key words: state terrorism, power, force, USA, Soviet Union, democracy, international law.


Ivan Šijaković



In this article the author inquires whether we entered an era of terrorism. Terrorism is a modern society phenomenon which became prominent particularly in the second half of the 20th century. There is a real danger that the intensity of this phenomenon, expressed by the number of terrorist groups, their means, aims and ways of operations will increase in the 21st century. Terrorism jeopardizes the most important achievements of modern times - democracy, freedom and human rights. There are various causes and reasons for the appearance of terrorist organizations and their cruel actions. This text provides a sociological analysis of the issue of identity as a possible cause for the emergence of various terrorist groups and organizations and their operations. To achieve this goal the author proposes the process of identity formation and values acquisition. Search for identity and its defense cause various problems and difficulties within individuals and groups. It is a unilateral, distorted, "fateful" and "lifesaving" identity for I whose defense everything is sacrificed, even one's own life. Most often it comes down to sacrificing other people's lives, but one's own life is also put at stake. Therefore, terrorism is taken to be the sole means of its defense.

Key words: terrorism, identity, ethnic group, nation, religion, ideology, freedom, tolerance.


Ljubiša Mitrović



This paper investigates the relationship between structural inequalities, social and regional discrepancies and terrorism in the modern world. The author analyses different forms of terrorism - both fundamentalist and state sponsored terrorism, focusing particularly on the phenomenon of symbolic terrorism and the role of global media in its promotion and expansion. In this context, there is a special analysis of the position and role of intellectuals in modern society, emphasizing how critical thought subsides in mass consumer society, globalization and the expansion of cultural neo-imperial-ism. By criticizing the marginalized role of intellectuals today and by arguing that there is no culture without intellectuals the author opposes the justification of experts and specialists. The analysis given in this paper finishes with a plea for the restoration of the intellectual's role as a critic of modern society.

Key words: intellectual, mass media, structural inequalities, symbolic power, terrorism.


Miroljub Jevtić



This paper analyses the reasons for losing the war against terrorism led by the USA and NATO. The concept of political correctness was analyzed as one of the main reasons for losing this war. This paper is an effort to prove that political correctness, as an obstacle for an objective analysis, has led to concealing the actual reasons for terrorism and to the present war. The author concludes that the fight against terrorism is impossible without returning to true freedom of thought, which has disappeared due to political conectness.

Key words: terrorism, political correctness, islam, neoliberalism.


Dragan D. Lakićević



This paper gives an analysis of a typical reception of the philosophy of Islamic radicalism in the West. The first part of the paper explores modern versions of these radical teachings and their connection with Islamic tradition and modern western political teachings. In the second part of the paper the author shows the extent to which Islamic political radicalism is a result of the logic of the situation and the decades-long crisis in the Near East. In that context we can conclude that radical Islamic teachings emerged primarily as a reaction to imperialistic politics of the West, instead of being a result of frustration at the disintegration of the former Caliphate.

Key words: political radicalism, domination, globalization, Islamic teachings, totalitarianism.


Slobodan Durmanović



The author investigates the phenomenon of radical Islamism in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the context of contemporary definitions of Islamism. Starting with The Islamic Declaration by Alija Izetbegović, the author analyzes primarily theoretical assumptions and goes on to pre-war and war practice that led to the idea of an Islamic Bosnian state and encouraged growth of Muslim fundamentalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Revivalism tendencies, which emphasize the necessity of returning to the original path of Islam and building an Islamic identity of Bosnian Muslims started to flourish after the war. Specific examples are numerous influential organizations such as the Vizier, Furkhan, AIO and others, which state that their particular aim is to make Bosnia-Herzegovina a Shariah and Islamic values oriented state. These "charities" focus on religious education of youth and enjoys strong support among poverty-stricken Muslim population, and sometimes even among higher social strata. The author argues that the situation has become more radical since September 11th and anti-terrorist investigations led in USA along with the increased number of reports on war, financial and ideological connections of "holy warriors" and representatives of Islamic "charities" in Bosnia-Herzegovina with Panislamistic organizations throughout the world. An additional problem is the fact that the Islamic Community of Bosnia-Herzegovina does not condemn Wahabism, which was formally revealed in the Addenda of the Riyaset of the Islamic Community. Being able to act without impediments, Wahabism, which represents an ideological platform for terrorism, has a constant increase in the number of followers and is more likely to take its cue from organizations such as Hamas. The problem of the growing terrorist threat in Bosnia-Herzegovina is further exacerbated by inspiring the sense of frustration and the assertion that Bosnian Muslims were subject to genocide in the Bosnian war. There are no significant differences among radical and moderate Bosnian Islamists on that issue and prospects for breaking up with radicalism are small. The author concludes that the process of suppressing Islamic fundamentalism is a necessary prerequisite for making a stable multireli-gious society in Bosnia-Herzegovina, important for the stability of the entire region, as well as for the safety of the EU.

Key words: Bosnia-Herzegovina, terrorism, Islam, Islamic Declaration, radicalism, revivalism, Wahabism.


Zoran Ćirjaković



In this text the author analyzes the phenomenon of Islamic revival in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the last two decades and focuses on the pragmatic collaboration between the Wahhabi, Salafi and other extremist groups. This phenomenon, which characterizes most of the Islam countries, is also noticeable in Bosnia-Herzegovina and is the backbone of Islamic fundamentalism. Practical effects of the idea that Islam is more than just religion have gathered momentum in Bosnia-Herzegovina due to activities of various organizations, and the ultimate aim of this project is to create an Islamic state. The author distinguishes between the positive Islamic fundamentalism and militant fundamentalism and speaks in favor of the former, which can help Bosnia to survive as a homeland of three religions.

Key words: Islamic state, Wahhabi, positive fundamentalism, militant fundamentalism.


Mile Pavlovski



At the beginning of the 21st century world encountered an (un)expected wave of terrorism, which has started to acquire new forms and contents. Not only do we deal with modern technologies of attack, but above all, with massiveness and exclusivity of aims. Modern terrorists find nuclear industry a very attractive field for possible actions. Although the tragedy of Chernobyl still lingers in people's minds due to delayed effects, a new expansion of nuclear power industry is taking place. Despite the fact that the technology of nuclear energy production has improved since then, many security issues have not yet been solved. The possibility that terrorists might undertake certain nuclear activities harbors numerous dangers, such as willful causing of nuclear accidents, attacking nuclear plants and storage facilities for radioactive waste, stealing fission material or obtaining nuclear weapons. These potential dangers force international community to devote much attention to the improvement of systems for collective nuclear security. It requires special measures of collaboration between countries which possess nuclear weapons and nuclear plants.

Key words: nuclear terrorism, conflict relations, nuclear plants, international community.


Jean Baudrillard



The "Strike of Events" is over. The phenomenon of terrorism and what happened on September 11th represent a symbolic downfall of the system, which thus revives the symbolic dimension, which is the basis for actual resistance and fighting against it. According to the author, terrorism is a product of the system, a picture of mondialization that fights with itself, but also an act of singularity which goes beyond the system of exchange. It is not a clash of civilizations or religions, but a fundamental antagonism of globalization. Only symbolic violence generates singularity.

Key words: event, terrorism, symbolic, system, others, antagonism, death, logic of sacrifice.


Alan Badiou



This paper investigates diachronic and semantic changes of the meaning of "terrorism", which ranges from the ways of exercising state power to non-state violent activities, focusing on the intensity of the self-explicitness of the term used in propaganda. By using an analogy of methods, both historically and formally, the author views the issue of constructing the "victim" identity of modern "democracies" that lead the "war" against terrorism. USA has become a hegemonic power in and through this war. It implements double-standard policy agains Islamic fundamentalism. The author concludes that in case of the phenomena of "terrorism" and "war against terrorism" there is a disjunctive synthesis of two kinds of nihilism based on absolutism.

Key words: philosophy, war, terror, democracy, USA, nihilism, synthesis, disjunction.


Michael Walzer



In this article the author analyzes the difference between the political code of erstwhile revolutionaries, who were also labeled as terrorists, and the forms of modern terrorism. The author states that, unlike old revolutionaries, modern terrorism is characterized by mere destructiveness and absence of a positive social vision. In the second part of the paper the author analyzes arguments given by apologists of terrorism and proves the impossibility of applying those arguments as wee as their inconsistency.

Key words: terrorism, political code, violence, revolution.

* From Michael Walzer, Just and Unjust Wars, Ch 12, "Terrorism", pp. 197-206.


Michael Ignatieff



The war against terrorism is analyzed within the context of the issue of freedom and political and moral identities of liberal-democratic societies. When compared to a nihilist challenge, what terrorism actually represents, respecting public order, obeying laws and constitutions is of crucial importance. The author distinguishes between three kinds of terrorism and points to the fact that acts of terrorism are immensely complex in terms of intensions and consequences. Close attention should be devoted to depoliticizing and demobilizing citizens that is present in the fight against terrorism. The era of terrorism forces one to opt for the "lesser evil" and to introduce controls into a free market of technologies and ideas, which is the key challenge for democracy. Ethics is important in this case for defining the identity of society and determining the type of terrorism one is dealing with.

Key words: freedom, political identity, ethics, law, state, democracy, global spectacle terrorism.


Paul Gilbert



The author uses the Falklands Conflict and the war against terrorism to develop the paradigms of old and new wars. After ascertaining the differences between the circumstances and ways of waging a war, the author argues that we are dealing with a marked contrast between the identity and role policies. Identity policy has become predominant in dealing with conflicts and is crucial for gaining support for the "war against terrorism". In the author's opinion, this strategy is counterproductive and it makes terrorism a rule, rather than an exception.

Key words: old wars, new wars, terrorism, role policy, identity policy.


Dimitri Simes



The author analyzes US policy towards the Islamic world, starting with Reagan and finishing with the current Bush administration. The phenomenon of terrorism is viewed through a criticism of US foreign policy with a special emphasis on the questionable results of the Clinton administration. In that way terrorism and the war against it are brought into a disapproving relationship not only with the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, but also with the wars in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo during the 90's.

Key words: US foreign policy, USA and Russia, terrorism, American priorities.


Bogdana Koljević



Starting with a contextualized consideration of the phenomenon of global terrorism within different discourses of modern political philosophy, the author focuses on the changes of concepts of the political, war and democracy. It is emphasized that the most successful political analyses of the relationship between terrorism and democracy are actually not to be found in the framework of the so-called postmodernist and critical disputes, but rather in the opinions that point to the state of total war as the leading principle of society. Looking back on Richard Bernstein's work, the author questions the idea about the difference of absolutism and pragmatic fallabil-ism, which questions Huntington's thesis on the clash of civilizations and involves the conflict between mentalities. Bernstein's critical hypothesis about absolutist mentality as the predominant form of US policy in the last decades instructively associates the importance of the interdependence of freedom and responsibility which is present in the opposing perspective, i.e. fallabilism. The author concludes that the thesis about self-certainty as a prerequisite for war and openness as a prerequisite for radical democratic practice is well-argumented and significant, but that it is also necessary for the democracy discourse to reflect its own assumptions in the light of self-criticism.

Key words: terrorism, pragmatism, absolutism, conflict of mentalities, political, war, fallabilism, radical democratic practice.






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