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NSPM in English

China Also Rises

Piers Brendon   
petak, 22. oktobar 2010.

Will China seek revenge for its century of humiliation at the hands of the West? Indeed, they now talk of using history as “a mirror to look forward to the future.” Certainly it makes sense for them to look forward, rather than back. And this is what China’s 1.3 billion people may well do as they advance toward the center of the world’s stage.

NSPM in English

Conservatives for Empire

Doug Bandow   
utorak, 19. oktobar 2010.

The U.S. government is effectively bankrupt. Angry citizens in the Tea Party movement are bypassing traditional politicians. Republican Party apparatchiks are scrambling to turn popular frustration to their advantage.The conservative movement also is in flux.

NSPM in English

Serbia: A Weimar Republic?

petak, 15. oktobar 2010.

And here we find ourselves slowly discerning a portrait of a Serbia whose past 10 years are beginning to resemble those of the German Weimar Republic. Paralleling Weimar’s 15-year existence, Serbia has had a number of setbacks: forced to accept defeat and blame for wars it believes it lost due to the West’s interventions...

NSPM in English

Europe the Intolerant

James Kirchick   
sreda, 13. oktobar 2010.

Anyone who has traveled throughout Europe knows that its image as an exemplar of progressivism, and ethnic and religious diversity, is a fabrication of the American liberal mind. It is Europeans, again, whose darker impulses we have to fear.

NSPM in English

Washington’s Bosnia Fiasco

Ted Galen Carpenter   
petak, 08. oktobar 2010.

If voters in the Republika Srpska choose to establish an independent state, the U.S. and the other NATO members ought to respect that decision. Keeping a vegetative Bosnia on international life support does not serve any legitimate American interest.

NSPM in English

Nice Guys Finish Last

Diana Johnstone   
ponedeljak, 04. oktobar 2010.

Not only the “Democratic” leaders, but many Serbs who could not understand why NATO bombed their country preferred to echo the NATO line, in order to escape from isolation. They would say, what happened in Yugoslavia was all the fault of one man, Slobodan Milosevic. But we are not like him, we are nice.

NSPM in English

We are now ready to talk and we will do so in good faith

Boris Tadić   
subota, 25. septembar 2010.

We must be able to build confidence to have trust. Serbia believes that the continued pursuit of recognitions is futile and counter-productive to the spirit in which we now enter.  Everyone who wanted to make their point has made it – and, we still do not have a clear settlement.

NSPM in English

Bosnia's Uncertain Future

Lukasz Reszczynski   
subota, 25. septembar 2010.

The forthcoming elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina, on October, 3rd, are a key political event in a region. The question is: Will the replacement of some single cog-wheels of the state mechanism will make the whole construction work according to the expectations.

NSPM in English

Spring 2011 - Towards a Serious Breakdown of the World Economic System

subota, 25. septembar 2010.

At the heart of the global systemic crisis since its inception, the USA is, in the coming months, going to demonstrate that it is in the process of leading the economy and global finances into the “heart of darkness”. The world will have to face the “Very Serious Breakdown” of the global economic system.

NSPM in English

A Love Lost Over the Atlantic

Geoffrey Wheatcroft   
nedelja, 19. septembar 2010.

Now–William Hague has intimated that he seeks to distance Britain from reflexive support for Washington, and he says that, in a new multipolar world, he wants to move more generally from an obsession with the “blocs”—the USA, Europe and the Middle East—to forge fresh links with such emerging powerhouses as India, China and Brazil.

NSPM in English

Remaking the Eurozone in a German Image

utorak, 19. oktobar 2010.

Germany and France have agreed to EU budgetary reforms that would allow some form of mandated “debt breaks” - mechanisms to sanction member states. The rules will limit the ability of eurozone states less developed than Germany to catch up economically with the Central European power.

NSPM in English

Germany and the Failure of Multiculturalism

George Friedman   
utorak, 19. oktobar 2010.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared at an Oct. 16 meeting of young members of her party, the CDU, that multiculturalism “has failed totally.” The statement should be taken with utmost seriousness and considered for its social and geopolitical implications.

NSPM in English

NATO's Lack of a Strategic Concept

sreda, 13. oktobar 2010.

Today, the debate surrounding NATO’s Strategic Concept itself highlights the alliance’s existential crisis. In fact, it is clouded by its member states’ incompatible perceptions of global threats, which makes us wonder whether the November Summit in Lisbon is in fact the beginning of the end for NATO.

NSPM in English

Why ‘Russians’ in Israel don’t want peace

Alexander Maistrovoy   
sreda, 13. oktobar 2010.

For “Russians” in Israel, peace with feudal-patriarchal societies has no value because they don’t trust them. They know the price of the “peace” which Clinton has established in Kosovo. According to such “peace” the Serbs of Kosovo had a choice between exile and death.

NSPM in English

Crunch Time, Delayed but not Avoided

Paul R. Pillar   
petak, 08. oktobar 2010.

The Dayton Accord that ended the Bosnian War was generally considered to have a ten-year shelf life; it now has been in place for fifteen. The minimal amount of goodwill needed to keep this apparatus intact is showing signs of dissipating, especially with the election victory of a Dodik's party that seems bent on secession.

NSPM in English

Serbia Turns Back on Virulent Nationalism

Dan Bilefsky   
ponedeljak, 04. oktobar 2010.

Mr. Vucic explained that cold-headed economic pragmatism was trumping the nationalism of the past. He noted that about 60 percent of Serbs supported E.U. accession and were willing to compromise in return for economic prosperity.

NSPM in English

De Gaulle’s vision of Europe and the problems of the contemporary Balkans

Aleksa Djilas   
subota, 25. septembar 2010.

The world needs a free and noble Europe, aware of its former glory and greatness, proud of its culture and humanism, ready to accept risks and challenges rather than just be worried about its safety and stability.

NSPM in English

Basel III: The Global Banks at The Edge of The Precipice

Matthias Chang   
subota, 25. septembar 2010.

The simple truth is that as long as the derivative casino is still running and banks are allowed to continue their off balance sheet activities, nothing will be resolved. How can the ultimate capital requirement of 8 percent be adequate when leverage under Basel 3 is still allowed at the astronomical rate of 33:1?

NSPM in English

Serbia Surrenders to the EU

Diana Johnstone   
nedelja, 19. septembar 2010.

Pro-Western politicians in Belgrade labored under the illusion that throwing Milosevic to the ICTY wolves would be enough to ensure the good graces of the “International Community”. But in reality, the prosecution of Milosevic was used to publicize the trumped up “joint criminal enterprise”

NSPM in English

China the Aggressor?

Michael J. Green   
subota, 18. septembar 2010.

One, we must avoid containment or counterbalancing strategies among democratic states on our periphery; Two, we must avoid colored revolutions in North Korea or Myanmar and the replacement of the current regimes with pro-U.S. democracies on our borders. Three, we must avoid conflict with the United States.

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