kosovo policy may not, but our foreign minister will change before long.
not a minute too soon
субота, 08 јануар 2011 06:21
Dragi Vuce,
Kao slatkorjecivi i izgleda principijelni covjek srpske spoljne politike
Izgledas usamljen i kolebljiv. Da li je to percepcija ili ne tvoji podanici jos nisu sigurni.
Ti moras da rascistis ove dileme vrlo brzo. U pitanju je zemlja Srbija i srpski narod kao i tvija dalnja karijera. Nemas puno vremena za cist obraz.
Sa nadom da ces donijeti respektovanu odluku a ne izdajnicku
u tvojih zadnjih pet minuta.
субота, 08 јануар 2011 23:00
Kosovo policy has changed.Abandoning own and accepting US/EU dictated UN GS resolution on the ICJ advisory opinion symbolizes drastic policy change equal to openly accepting a deal - Kosovo for EU candidacy. The Jeremic's speech is revealing. In his words Europe (EU) is “Serbia's central strategic priority" while protection of the "constitutional order" (Kosovo) is only "another important priority". The Minister refers to "UDI" without terming it "ilegal", he does not bather mentioning UN SC resolution 1244, in spite of the fact it remains the only legal document binding all UN member states including USA and EU. In what should be directive for the Serbian ambassadors the Minister does not even mention the status of the Province as Serbia's prioriti issue on the agenda of negotiations.Ect. Ect.
понедељак, 10 јануар 2011 15:29
Does "Kosovo policy will not change" mean that the Metohija policy has/will change?
Furthermore, "Kosovo" is not recognized under any legal form from the Serbian state, Church or the People, hence, what Serbian foreign minister is talking about, when is mentioning "Kosovo"?
"A little stitch in time saves nine!"
Unfortunately, among the blind Serbian elite, the "one-eyed [foreign minister] is a king": an empty vessels make the most noise!
понедељак, 10 јануар 2011 15:46
We will become a European society when the money made by big business stays in Serbia, and monopolies are regulated out of existence; when corruption in hospitals and courtrooms, schools and municipalities is no longer part of our reality; when our infrastructure meets 21st-century specifications.
Serbia will become a European society when everyone who wants to work can find a job that pays enough; when small- and medium-sized business owners can compete in the marketplace without having to cut corners; and when we start to produce and export goods that can fetch premium prices abroad.
What is a "European society"?
Does the foreign minister knows that there is no such thing or definition as a "European society", because each and every SOCIETY is based on the people's [Media] imagination, viz. IMAGINED SOCIETY.
If the biggest European states have problems how to keep/attrack FDI (Italy has more than 300bn of private capital in foreign accounts)...
понедељак, 10 јануар 2011 15:56
We will have two main Kosovo-related tasks in 2011. The first centers on ensuring the number of UDI recognitions is contained, and that the authorities in Pristina are not unilaterally admitted into international organizations whose membership is the sole prerogative of sovereign states.
If the Serbian state/authority doesn't recognize "Kosovo/Prishtina authority" or the "Kosovo protectorate" what "Prishtina authority" he is talking about...?
not a minute too soon
Kao slatkorjecivi i izgleda principijelni covjek srpske spoljne politike
Izgledas usamljen i kolebljiv. Da li je to percepcija ili ne tvoji podanici jos nisu sigurni.
Ti moras da rascistis ove dileme vrlo brzo. U pitanju je zemlja Srbija i srpski narod kao i tvija dalnja karijera. Nemas puno vremena za cist obraz.
Sa nadom da ces donijeti respektovanu odluku a ne izdajnicku
u tvojih zadnjih pet minuta.
Furthermore, "Kosovo" is not recognized under any legal form from the Serbian state, Church or the People, hence, what Serbian foreign minister is talking about, when is mentioning "Kosovo"?
"A little stitch in time saves nine!"
Unfortunately, among the blind Serbian elite, the "one-eyed [foreign minister] is a king": an empty vessels make the most noise!
Serbia will become a European society when everyone who wants to work can find a job that pays enough; when small- and medium-sized business owners can compete in the marketplace without having to cut corners; and when we start to produce and export goods that can fetch premium prices abroad.
What is a "European society"?
Does the foreign minister knows that there is no such thing or definition as a "European society", because each and every SOCIETY is based on the people's [Media] imagination, viz. IMAGINED SOCIETY.
If the biggest European states have problems how to keep/attrack FDI (Italy has more than 300bn of private capital in foreign accounts)...
If the Serbian state/authority doesn't recognize "Kosovo/Prishtina authority" or the "Kosovo protectorate" what "Prishtina authority" he is talking about...?
"Sole prerogative of SOME sovereign states"!