"...the only true utopia is that things can go on like they do now indefinitely"
"The left is, let me be very frank, in this social sense, a conservative force. In the social sense of social, fast changes and so on, it’s capitalists who are today the revolutionary class."
Slavoj Zizek ume ponekada da prodre u samu sustinu biti...
недеља, 28 новембар 2010 22:21
Peter RV
Slavoj Zizek je jedan filozofski hostapler, koji pise da zadovolji zapadne medije. Njega ne treba slusat.
"The left is, let me be very frank, in this social sense, a conservative force. In the social sense of social, fast changes and so on, it’s capitalists who are today the revolutionary class."
Slavoj Zizek ume ponekada da prodre u samu sustinu biti...