balkan je laboratorija "nationbuilding-a". A narodi na balkanu su pacovi u toj laboratoriji. Da zapad zeli emancipaciju tih naroda on bi ih prepustio svojoj sudbini, da izgrade i projektuju svoju buducnost.
nedelja, 18 jul 2010 22:20
Very good analysis! I just wish that US foreign policy creators would have knowledgeable people like the author.
utorak, 20 jul 2010 09:51
Srboljub Savic
Lie about danger - humanitarian catastrophe, which "must" be prevented, at any cost, led to unpreceden-ted violation of international law and UN Documents, which ended by military occupation, ethnic cleansing of Serbs-autochthon inhabitants, fraud of Albanians, “making” false state with embedding huge, unseen American military base. Tolerated (unpunished) practise in B&H, got more drastic form at
K&M. Beside enormous corruption, narco business , crime, total neglecting and incapability , there was
not possible to achieve as low as in B&H. At K&M, nor foreigners, nor local bosses (them even less) have no interest to cut themselves of unseen incomes and power, which follow money.
“Lekcija” naucena u BiH, dovela je do jos gorih rezultata na KiM, zatim Iraku, Avganistanu, …
Laz u osnovi, laz o stvarnim ciljevima “intervencija” i ratova, arogancija i novac, nisu ni mogli, niti ce
doneti narodima nista dobro. Koliko god surovo zvucalo, smrt je bar kraj nevidjene patnje ljudi, kojima
“civilizovani” svet, uz zloupotrebu oruzja, ljudskih slabosti i sopstvenu gramzivost, donosi. Price o
kraju rata, boljitku na dohvat ruke, sluze da zavaraju one daleko od uzasa, a upalsenih od prica o pretnji
tih (vecinom) jadnih naroda.
“Lesson” learned in B&H, led to even worse results in K&M, than Iraq, Afghanistan, …
Lie in foundation, lies about truth goals of “interventions” and wars, arrogance and money, could not, nor will bring to the people, nothing good. Even it sounds cruel, death is, at least, the end of unseen suffering of humans, which “civilised” world, with misuse of armaments, human weakness and own greedy, brings.
Stories of war end, better status at hand touch, serves to fool those far from nightmare, but feared with stories about threat those (mainly) poor people.
Iako, mozda, imate najbolje namere, bolje je ne dirajte rane. Jos krvare stare.
Even, could be, you have good intentions, it is better not to meddle wounds. Still old bleed.
S. Savic
sreda, 21 jul 2010 05:38
Srboljub Savic
Lek za bolest se prepisuje posle dijagnoze.
Diagnosis is required before cure.
Laz o oruzju za masovno unistenje u Iraku, upotrebljena je da opravda brutalnu agresiju I unistavanje zemlje, koja je bila daleko ispred mnogih okolo, ukljucjuci unistavanje svetski vrednih kulturnih dobara. Otkidanje Kuvajta, pre toga, takodje se zasnivalo na "konstukciji" od lazi.
Iraqi WMD lie, used to approve brutal aggression and destruction of the country, being far forward
of many around, including world heritage cultural values. Secession of Kuwait, before, also had been
based on "structure" of lies.
Etnicko-"verski" sukob, potpaljivan sa vise strana, i tudjih interesa, doveo je do stanja u kome i nije moglo doci do drugog rezultata. Visok procenat svih stranaca, ukljucen je u raznovrsnu korupciju, a ne mali deo njih, tamo je zbog plata i zarada koje ne mogu da ostvare u svojim zemljama. Oni (kao ni domaci "igraci")nemaju interes da se u BiH bilo sta promeni u pravcu stvaranja prave drzave.
Ethno-"religious" conflict, encouraged from so many sides and outside interests, resulted today status.High percent of foreigners, is involved in many ways of corruption, and not so small number of them are there for high salaries and profits, which could not make in their countries. Them (as well local "players") have no interests for any changes in B&H toward establishment of real state.
Laz o ugrozenosti-humanitarnoj katastrofi, koju treba spreciti, po svaku cenu, doveo je do bezprimernog krsenja medjunarodnih zakona i dokumenata UN, koje se zavrsilo vojnom okupacijom, etnickim ciscenjem Srba-starosedeoca i prevarom Albanaca, stvaranjem kvazi drzave, uz smestanje nevidjene americke vojne baze. Nekaznjena praksa u BiH, dobila je drasticniji oblik u KiM. Pored nevidjene korupcije, narko ‘b.”, kriminala, totalnog nemara I nesposobnosti, tamo se nije moglo postici ni koliko u BiH. Na KiM ni stranci ni njihovi lok. mocnici nemaju interes da sebi oduzmu enormne prihode i moc uz
S. Savic
sreda, 21 jul 2010 05:44
Srboljub Savic
Lie about danger - humanitarian catastrophe, which "must" be prevented, at any cost, led to unpreceden-ted violation of international law and UN Documents, which ended by military occupation, ethnic cleansing of Serbs-autochthon inhabitants, fraud of Albanians, “making” false state with embedding huge, unseen American military base. Tolerated (unpunished) practise in B&H, got more drastic form at K&M. Beside enormous corruption, narco business , crime, total neglecting and incapability , there was not possible to achieve as low as in B&H. At K&M, nor foreigners, nor local bosses (them even less) have no interest to cut themselves of unseen incomes and power, which follow money.
“Lekcija” naucena u BiH, dovela je do jos gorih rezultata na KiM, zatim Iraku, Avganistanu, …
Laz u osnovi, laz o stvarnim ciljevima “intervencija” i ratova, arogancija i novac, nisu ni mogli, niti ce doneti narodima nista dobro. Koliko god surovo zvucalo, smrt je bar kraj nevidjene patnje ljudi, kojima
“civilizovani” svet, uz zloupotrebu oruzja, ljudskih slabosti i sopstvenu gramzivost, donosi. Price o kraju rata, boljitku na dohvat ruke, sluze da zavaraju one daleko od uzasa, a upalsenih od prica o pretnji tih (vecinom) jadnih naroda.
“Lesson” learned in B&H, led to even worse results in K&M, than Iraq, Afghanistan, …Lie in foundation, lies about truth goals of “interventions” and wars, arrogance and money, could not, nor
will bring to the people, nothing good. Even it sounds cruel, death is, at least, the end of unseen suffering of humans, which “civilised” world, with misuse of armaments, human weakness and own greedy, brings.
Stories of war end, better status at hand touch, serves to fool those far from nightmare, but feared with stories about threat those (mainly) poor people.
Iako, mozda, imate najbolje namere, bolje je ne dirate rane. Jos krvare stare, a nove cinite.
Even, could be, you have good intentions, it is better not to meddle wounds. Still old bleed.
S. Savic
Lie about danger - humanitarian catastrophe, which "must" be prevented, at any cost, led to unpreceden-ted violation of international law and UN Documents, which ended by military occupation, ethnic cleansing of Serbs-autochthon inhabitants, fraud of Albanians, “making” false state with embedding huge, unseen American military base. Tolerated (unpunished) practise in B&H, got more drastic form at
K&M. Beside enormous corruption, narco business , crime, total neglecting and incapability , there was
not possible to achieve as low as in B&H. At K&M, nor foreigners, nor local bosses (them even less) have no interest to cut themselves of unseen incomes and power, which follow money.
“Lekcija” naucena u BiH, dovela je do jos gorih rezultata na KiM, zatim Iraku, Avganistanu, …
Laz u osnovi, laz o stvarnim ciljevima “intervencija” i ratova, arogancija i novac, nisu ni mogli, niti ce
doneti narodima nista dobro. Koliko god surovo zvucalo, smrt je bar kraj nevidjene patnje ljudi, kojima
“civilizovani” svet, uz zloupotrebu oruzja, ljudskih slabosti i sopstvenu gramzivost, donosi. Price o
kraju rata, boljitku na dohvat ruke, sluze da zavaraju one daleko od uzasa, a upalsenih od prica o pretnji
tih (vecinom) jadnih naroda.
“Lesson” learned in B&H, led to even worse results in K&M, than Iraq, Afghanistan, …
Lie in foundation, lies about truth goals of “interventions” and wars, arrogance and money, could not, nor will bring to the people, nothing good. Even it sounds cruel, death is, at least, the end of unseen suffering of humans, which “civilised” world, with misuse of armaments, human weakness and own greedy, brings.
Stories of war end, better status at hand touch, serves to fool those far from nightmare, but feared with stories about threat those (mainly) poor people.
Iako, mozda, imate najbolje namere, bolje je ne dirajte rane. Jos krvare stare.
Even, could be, you have good intentions, it is better not to meddle wounds. Still old bleed.
S. Savic
Diagnosis is required before cure.
Laz o oruzju za masovno unistenje u Iraku, upotrebljena je da opravda brutalnu agresiju I unistavanje zemlje, koja je bila daleko ispred mnogih okolo, ukljucjuci unistavanje svetski vrednih kulturnih dobara. Otkidanje Kuvajta, pre toga, takodje se zasnivalo na "konstukciji" od lazi.
Iraqi WMD lie, used to approve brutal aggression and destruction of the country, being far forward
of many around, including world heritage cultural values. Secession of Kuwait, before, also had been
based on "structure" of lies.
Etnicko-"verski" sukob, potpaljivan sa vise strana, i tudjih interesa, doveo je do stanja u kome i nije moglo doci do drugog rezultata. Visok procenat svih stranaca, ukljucen je u raznovrsnu korupciju, a ne mali deo njih, tamo je zbog plata i zarada koje ne mogu da ostvare u svojim zemljama. Oni (kao ni domaci "igraci")nemaju interes da se u BiH bilo sta promeni u pravcu stvaranja prave drzave.
Ethno-"religious" conflict, encouraged from so many sides and outside interests, resulted today status.High percent of foreigners, is involved in many ways of corruption, and not so small number of them are there for high salaries and profits, which could not make in their countries. Them (as well local "players") have no interests for any changes in B&H toward establishment of real state.
Laz o ugrozenosti-humanitarnoj katastrofi, koju treba spreciti, po svaku cenu, doveo je do bezprimernog krsenja medjunarodnih zakona i dokumenata UN, koje se zavrsilo vojnom okupacijom, etnickim ciscenjem Srba-starosedeoca i prevarom Albanaca, stvaranjem kvazi drzave, uz smestanje nevidjene americke vojne baze. Nekaznjena praksa u BiH, dobila je drasticniji oblik u KiM. Pored nevidjene korupcije, narko ‘b.”, kriminala, totalnog nemara I nesposobnosti, tamo se nije moglo postici ni koliko u BiH. Na KiM ni stranci ni njihovi lok. mocnici nemaju interes da sebi oduzmu enormne prihode i moc uz
S. Savic
Lie about danger - humanitarian catastrophe, which "must" be prevented, at any cost, led to unpreceden-ted violation of international law and UN Documents, which ended by military occupation, ethnic cleansing of Serbs-autochthon inhabitants, fraud of Albanians, “making” false state with embedding huge, unseen American military base. Tolerated (unpunished) practise in B&H, got more drastic form at K&M. Beside enormous corruption, narco business , crime, total neglecting and incapability , there was not possible to achieve as low as in B&H. At K&M, nor foreigners, nor local bosses (them even less) have no interest to cut themselves of unseen incomes and power, which follow money.
“Lekcija” naucena u BiH, dovela je do jos gorih rezultata na KiM, zatim Iraku, Avganistanu, …
Laz u osnovi, laz o stvarnim ciljevima “intervencija” i ratova, arogancija i novac, nisu ni mogli, niti ce doneti narodima nista dobro. Koliko god surovo zvucalo, smrt je bar kraj nevidjene patnje ljudi, kojima
“civilizovani” svet, uz zloupotrebu oruzja, ljudskih slabosti i sopstvenu gramzivost, donosi. Price o kraju rata, boljitku na dohvat ruke, sluze da zavaraju one daleko od uzasa, a upalsenih od prica o pretnji tih (vecinom) jadnih naroda.
“Lesson” learned in B&H, led to even worse results in K&M, than Iraq, Afghanistan, …Lie in foundation, lies about truth goals of “interventions” and wars, arrogance and money, could not, nor
will bring to the people, nothing good. Even it sounds cruel, death is, at least, the end of unseen suffering of humans, which “civilised” world, with misuse of armaments, human weakness and own greedy, brings.
Stories of war end, better status at hand touch, serves to fool those far from nightmare, but feared with stories about threat those (mainly) poor people.
Iako, mozda, imate najbolje namere, bolje je ne dirate rane. Jos krvare stare, a nove cinite.
Even, could be, you have good intentions, it is better not to meddle wounds. Still old bleed.
S. Savic