World state financies created,to simplify, false
money - credits without real fundaments, which
generates real production & consumption- spendings.
State administrations (trough budgets) became players in the "game" , ruls they don't understand
and more and more, don't care.
It would be interesting to get qualified comments
about SSSR's economy and finance (even it is history).
Take in account some facts:
- Even with very low salaries, savings-real money,
were remarquable, making one of finace pillars
quite strong,
- To apply for getting-to/buy car (not cheap, citizens had to purposly save money for three (3)
years, than get loan and wait for car delivery.
[Even it looks, for "normal" world, unacceptable,
who could say that production (& Sales) was based
on illusion/false money/sistem's fraud, ...?
Just compare that with today's enormous surplus
of luxury cars & their over-capacities.]
Today, world is global slavery system, fed by
frodulent "finace" (actually crookery) which
creates overheated-enormous & production, sale &
consumption, but for limited world population.
Food & drinks, clothes (every average person in
have cloths & shoes for 4-5 individuals),
electrical & electronic appliences, furniture, ...
All mentioned spendings (production & services)
are based on false money & frodulent finance
State administrations allover the world, growing out of control ("democracy system"), creating public consumption / spending, trough "budgets"
and their deficits, servs more and more "gang".
For greater irony, many of them, believe that
they serve public-people's interests the best.
S. Savic
четвртак, 08 јул 2010 09:57
Gemba jnr.
Since more must always be paid back than was advanced as credit, however, the system is inherently unstable. When the debt bubble becomes too large to be sustained, a recession or depression is precipitated, wiping out a major portion of the debt and allowing the whole process to begin again. This is called the “business cycle,” and it causes markets to vacillate wildly, allowing the monied interests that triggered the cycle to pick up real estate and other assets very cheaply on the down-swing.
Excellent article. The paragraph above explains in short the Global Ponzi Scheme that we refer to as the western capitalist economic system, which is nothing more than a tool for wealth and power accumulation by the elite bankers bent on controlling the world.
Professor Bernd Senf from Berlin University gave a good interview on the subject two years ago which can be seen here:
money - credits without real fundaments, which
generates real production & consumption- spendings.
State administrations (trough budgets) became players in the "game" , ruls they don't understand
and more and more, don't care.
It would be interesting to get qualified comments
about SSSR's economy and finance (even it is history).
Take in account some facts:
- Even with very low salaries, savings-real money,
were remarquable, making one of finace pillars
quite strong,
- To apply for getting-to/buy car (not cheap, citizens had to purposly save money for three (3)
years, than get loan and wait for car delivery.
[Even it looks, for "normal" world, unacceptable,
who could say that production (& Sales) was based
on illusion/false money/sistem's fraud, ...?
Just compare that with today's enormous surplus
of luxury cars & their over-capacities.]
Today, world is global slavery system, fed by
frodulent "finace" (actually crookery) which
creates overheated-enormous & production, sale &
consumption, but for limited world population.
Food & drinks, clothes (every average person in
have cloths & shoes for 4-5 individuals),
electrical & electronic appliences, furniture, ...
All mentioned spendings (production & services)
are based on false money & frodulent finance
State administrations allover the world, growing out of control ("democracy system"), creating public consumption / spending, trough "budgets"
and their deficits, servs more and more "gang".
For greater irony, many of them, believe that
they serve public-people's interests the best.
S. Savic
Excellent article. The paragraph above explains in short the Global Ponzi Scheme that we refer to as the western capitalist economic system, which is nothing more than a tool for wealth and power accumulation by the elite bankers bent on controlling the world.
Professor Bernd Senf from Berlin University gave a good interview on the subject two years ago which can be seen here: