Ispočetka sam mislio da je ovo kritika Obame... a u stvari se radi o pohvali! Ovaj DŽojner je predsednik Atlantskog saveta, čija je misija da propagira NATO (tj. imperiju), tako da nije ni čudo da mu se Obama sviđa.
petak, 24 jul 2009 08:48
Srboljub Savic
Better title of this, fully unnecessary article,
could be - "Endless USA President terms".
New names every term is just necessaru cosmetics.
Current make up is carefully selected to please
parts of the world and societies in focus now.
Secretary of state was behind President Klinton
(more active than visible, then), easy change
make up and enter "machine".
What change does it make - Vice President?
Secretary od Defence - key position is same as
previous President, same path - carierra in CIA
trough hot position - Director for Central &
South America (no, no don't tell me about arms
and drugs business "fight")
[Who like to read,there is a book written by
Israeli's author, from same "business company"
(real names and events).He decribed his doing and
character, quite well, as well, Bush, S. & J.]
Every new "P. mask" promise and talks a lot of CHANGE. They had to. They are selected and trained
to attract attention of nation. Some people, term
by term, are waiving flags, their eys are full of
tears - happy believers, strugling to secure minimum descent life in between. They need change,
which in reality does not come. They, on the other
side do not care, that term by term, only bombs
and weapons are changing only. They do not care, that millions od inocent people suffering (only
changed, when death angel turn their miserable
life to death), what ever "P.mask" say, is not changing, with D. or R. mask brand name.
[ Is ther kind of anegdote - two times fool, fool
for ever. Thus, it is not Bush's third term, it
is "P. mask change", but no CHANGE.]
S. Savic
subota, 25 jul 2009 02:31
Obaman samo pretstavlja preko potrebnu stanku u kaubojskom kontinuiranom snu o dominaciji. Par godina ovog šarlatana, pa onda opet 12 godina otvorenog nacizma.
could be - "Endless USA President terms".
New names every term is just necessaru cosmetics.
Current make up is carefully selected to please
parts of the world and societies in focus now.
Secretary of state was behind President Klinton
(more active than visible, then), easy change
make up and enter "machine".
What change does it make - Vice President?
Secretary od Defence - key position is same as
previous President, same path - carierra in CIA
trough hot position - Director for Central &
South America (no, no don't tell me about arms
and drugs business "fight")
[Who like to read,there is a book written by
Israeli's author, from same "business company"
(real names and events).He decribed his doing and
character, quite well, as well, Bush, S. & J.]
Every new "P. mask" promise and talks a lot of CHANGE. They had to. They are selected and trained
to attract attention of nation. Some people, term
by term, are waiving flags, their eys are full of
tears - happy believers, strugling to secure minimum descent life in between. They need change,
which in reality does not come. They, on the other
side do not care, that term by term, only bombs
and weapons are changing only. They do not care, that millions od inocent people suffering (only
changed, when death angel turn their miserable
life to death), what ever "P.mask" say, is not changing, with D. or R. mask brand name.
[ Is ther kind of anegdote - two times fool, fool
for ever. Thus, it is not Bush's third term, it
is "P. mask change", but no CHANGE.]
S. Savic