Putin’s applied and so far successful account of „democratic sovereignty“ is turning out to be the par excellence representative model and possibility of contemporary politics
It is not „democratic sovereignty“ but a “sovereign democracy.” wich is not even similar!!
Sovereign democracy is a Vladislav Surkov coinage that conveys two messages: first, that Russia's regime is democratic and, second, that this claim must be accepted without demanding any proof, period.
sreda, 10 jun 2009 15:04
Putin - explanation for the comentator
Had you been actually following through Surkov's idea you would have known that the catch is - to articulate and build up the internal relation between "sovereign democracy" and "democratic sovereignty". That's what the project is all about. For it is easy to have either one idea or the other. The Russian experiment refers to their synthesis, what makes it truly unique.
sreda, 10 jun 2009 19:00
Dragan Jovanovic Troglavski
I have been following through Surkov's idea at least 2 years before any western media!
It is long time, eh?
To make it clear:
Germany is not sovereign democracy, because they have no nukes.
sreda, 10 jun 2009 19:02
Dragan Jovanovic Troglavski
'sovereign democracy' and 'democracy' are as different as 'electric chair' and 'chair.'
sreda, 10 jun 2009 21:13
Dragan Jovanovic Troglavski
And finally I have found explanation right from the source.
Our Russian model of democracy is called sovereign democracy,'” Surkov explained. “We want to be an open nation among other open nations and cooperate with them under fair rules, and not be managed from outside.”
"not be managed from outside" !!!!!!!
Putin said it is expensive but worth of it.
(Bulava is not cheap, s400 is not cheap)
Serbia is good sample of democracy, but it is managed from outside ..
So it is not a sovereign democracy.
One day you have elections (democracy), but next day US ambasador is creatig parliament (managed from outside)
četvrtak, 11 jun 2009 12:00
Vladimir Canada
Thank you for this article, ms. Koljevich. Its a pleasure to read you. Very refreshing and very professional.
It is not „democratic sovereignty“ but a “sovereign democracy.” wich is not even similar!!
Sovereign democracy is a Vladislav Surkov coinage that conveys two messages: first, that Russia's regime is democratic and, second, that this claim must be accepted without demanding any proof, period.
It is long time, eh?
To make it clear:
Germany is not sovereign democracy, because they have no nukes.
Our Russian model of democracy is called sovereign democracy,'” Surkov explained. “We want to be an open nation among other open nations and cooperate with them under fair rules, and not be managed from outside.”
"not be managed from outside" !!!!!!!
Putin said it is expensive but worth of it.
(Bulava is not cheap, s400 is not cheap)
Serbia is good sample of democracy, but it is managed from outside ..
So it is not a sovereign democracy.
One day you have elections (democracy), but next day US ambasador is creatig parliament (managed from outside)