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A New Beginning

1 subota, 06 jun 2009 13:12
Peter RV
On reading Obama's speech quickly, one gets impression of a pile of worn-out phrases, so over-used in Clinton's era. With very similar words, Clinton proceded with his 'humanitarian' bombing of Serbia and his staravation blokade of Iraq, meaning that Obama might very well continue on the same path, despite all his effusive message of love and tolerance.
There is, however, something very new in his words, which may cost him dearly in the future.
He has broken the past U.S. rethoric of the abject towing line of Israel practiced by Clinton and Bush, which may put him on the cross-hair of the powerful Jewish Lobby in the U.S. Obama has clearly sensed this and that's why the trip to Buchenwald. (Notice that he didn't visit nearby Gaza to pay homage to these more recent victims).
It all looks like some naive "damage control".
Obama may be treading in dangerous waters for it is not likely the Lobby would accept kindly such a loss of influence. Jack Kennedy comes to mind.
2 ponedeljak, 08 jun 2009 08:44
Jasna Simonovic
Starting over needs to avoid pulling up the negative images of the past, but Barack Obama pulls them up to be recognized and treated the way the holy leaders have taught us to do...Focused on positive images of the future Barack makes the foundation of global materially proven understanding and pragmatic spiritual feelings, so close to every human being...What else can we all expect more from the person who has just started the Good will?!..

There are always life events that could launch a new vision and the best thing is to lean on personal truth, like "even" Barack does...

Let us all help this vision, and we here, let us help Serbia to help the US president to learn about us as much as he has learned of other parts of the world addressed in this article...Everything else is easy to "get", if "we" first "give"...
May God bless people with good intention, speech of love, act of compassion, etc.


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